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Glandeuse Pinéale
Does anyone know of a difference in potency between caps and stems?
There isnt any in psilos only with flyagaric .
I thought the cap had a slightly higher amount of the alkaloids than the stem. Though I would take GODs opinion over my own *he has alot more experiecne w/ mushies than I do.

I do think a good googling would give u a more referenced opinion.
The myceleum has adifferent content than the mushroom fruiting bodys . The stems and caps are both exactly the same thing but in different forms .

The red skin on the top of a fly agaric is stronger than the rest .

But by all means google it and tell us what comes out .
I always thought there was more in the stem then in the cap.


The concentrations of psilocin and psilocybin, determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, were determined to be in the range of 0.14–0.42%/0.37–1.30% (dry weight) in the whole mushroom, 0.17–0.78%/0.44–1.35% in the cap and 0.09–0.30%/0.05–1.27% in the stem, respectively.

According to Magic Mushrooms Around the World, Jochen Gartz. Trans. and Ed. by Claudia Taake

"Smaller mushrooms almost always have more alkaloid content than larger specimens. This fording was then confirmed by another study using a considerably larger amount of material (40 mushrooms). Moreover exceptioanlly high concentrations of baeocystin have been shown to accumulate in the caps of fruiting bodies that contain the alkaloid. In addition, one mushroom sample from Finland deserves special mention due to its unnaturally high psilocybin content of 2.37%!"

From "Psilocybe semilanceata", the common european variant.
The babys have the same / about the same potency as the myceleum acording to what i have read untill the caps open . Thats why shops sell un opened mushrooms . Also how many tests were done , with how many mushrooms , and can the same be said for indoor = no sun and changeable weather conditions and indoor grown mushrooms ? Also as you said the one mushroom from finland had more active ingredients than normal , wich would mean to me that there can be a large difference between the strengths of mushrooms acording to their locations and growing conditions and the local gene type ( Is that genotype ? ) .

I have had heated discussions about this with him and from what i can see there has not been enough testing of local types around the world , its all based on a few tests with a few mushrooms and the "facts" that are being touted are unreliable .
I totally agree with you on the sampling and experimental design issues. I take all this info with a grain of salt. But psilocybin might be an interesting next side project for synthesis??? 8)
Yes , but extraction as well seeing as how easy it is to pick masses of mushrooms in the wild each season . I have seen info from shulgin and others , i think it came from the PF site , where they talk about alcohol extraction . But i couldnt get it to work........ ( = cack handed paranoid stupid amateure ) . Have you got any thoughts / info / tips on the subject ?
You wouldnt have a chromatography setup handy? Probably not...
As a "dreamy thought"
If the exotic solvents dichloromethane and/or ethyl acetate crossed you path then the psilocin could be easily extracted first with base pH 8-9 to make it water soluble. Extract with either solvent. Re-acidify to pH 3 and extract again with clean/ new EtOAc and voila!. Sould be fairly clean...

The psilocybin would have to be treated with HCl solution first to make psilocin.

All purely theoretical but based on sound extraction of caffeine technology. 1st year organic chemistry student stuff.
Please forgive me for what i`m about to say.......

"You wouldnt have a chromatography setup handy?"

No . But thats only an empty soxhelet tube filled with "sand" isnt it......basicaly . Then one throws the stuff in at the top and lights it up ( with UV ? ) and watches it form layers / fractions and opens the tap on the bottom so that one can collect the right layer...... or ?

So now a demonstration of how dumb i realy am .

Those solvents are not easy to get here as far as i know and i`m still trying to understand what you mean . I think you mean :-

Soak mushroom powder in water / HCL solution to change the psilocybin to psilocin ( PH ? ) . Then basify to PH 8 - 9 . Then throw ethyl acetate on top so the base goes over into the ethyl acetate .......stired and not shaken ......better swirled but thats not so funny.......
Then get the water off with a seperatory funnel . Mix the ethyl acetate with clean water and make it PH 3 ? or throw acid in the ethyl acetate so that crystals form , filter them off and wash them with new ethyl acetate ?

From what i have read i thought that high and low PHs kill it ? or is that a matter of time and by doing it quickly one looses less goods ?

What about extracting it from mushroom powder with distilled water, or a mixture of water and vinegar = make a tea . Then baseify it and filter the base off ? ..... then maybe throw water on it and add enough acid drop wise very slowly untill all the base dissapears and desicate / heat.....auch ....the water of to get crystals ?

Or just make a tea and throw that in the chromatography colum and separate off the right layer ?

Please feel free to call me a dickhead if i am one and have the patience to explain my mistakes .

If that gives you a brain haemorage and you die can i have your camera please........

and your lab and those crystals......
I know one thing for sure, caps give you a blue-black tongue :lol: