Pot backers want national clearance for flying higher

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
The Denver Post
Tuesday, 24 June 2008

One pro-marijuana group is calling on the government to allow marijuana in smoking lounges at airports across the country.

Cigarette smoking at Denver International Airport and other airports across the country is restricted to smoking lounges.

Members of the Denver-based organization Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) will ask the government Tuesday to allow pot in airport smoking lounges.


The group says in a press release that the idea will address the growing number of in-flight problems involving drunk and disorderly passengers. Members claim marijuana is a better alternative to alcohol to help more fliers relax and deal with the anxiety of air travel.

From: http://www.dosenation.com/
pretty good initiative, hope they get something done.
Hmm indeed a good initiative, but I don't think the government will agree with us on that one. As far as I know Cannabis is illegal in Denver, now why would they make an exception for airport lounges?

And yes it will calm those who have a fear of flying, and yes it will work better than using alcohol for that, but they also have temazepam for that, and I think the pharmaceutical lobby will be a lot happier with this 'paying' alternative.

But we can always keep our fingers crossed.

They do have medicinal marijuana laws in Colorado I do believe, but this is going to have some problems with it. I SERIOUSLY doubt this will pass but, if it does, you'll see me sitting down at the airport blazin up :D
what if someone starts freaking out because of too much cannabis, while flying? :lol:
i can see the yellow headlines
"Passenger flies too high and freaks out"
my friend told my about this idea... good to see that its true!!!
Well, yeah, nice idea - but do you really think they will allow smoking marihuana anywhere as long as the posession of marihuana is illegal almost worldwide (excluding the Netherlands, where it's tolerated, not even legal) ???
tryptonaut a dit:
Well, yeah, nice idea - but do you really think they will allow smoking marihuana anywhere as long as the posession of marihuana is illegal almost worldwide (excluding the Netherlands, where it's tolerated, not even legal) ???

Exactly. Before going for international clearance, I'd think first you would want to try and just get places that have legal marijauna and go from there, ya know.
Who needs an airline ticket when you have cannabis?
We could just smoke at the terminal and have a flight to any destination.
Fly higher and safer without even leaving the building!

I don’t think this will pass, but good luck to them anyway.