Possesion/sell and cultivation of mushroom banned in Holland

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
  • Date de début Date de début
They are doing the wrong thing! People wake up!
What?! It's been a long time since I heard any shroom related news, I thought the issue had died a silence death. This news comes as a bit of a shock right now... Wrong direction.
The law has not been passed yet. It seems to be imminent, but despite the title of this news item, no decision has been made yet.
So i'm a criminal next month? :lol: No i mean :cry: sad but true. Luckely now nobody will ever eat mushrooms in Holland again! Way to go mr Klink. :butthead:

Another newspaper (Het Parool) confirms this time it's serious. The Queen will sign the new law into effect this very week.
so fucking be it.
it will not stop me from cultivating/eating/spreading it!

Niquez le système!
By the way, despite the title of this thread, all we know is that the current commercial sale of mushrooms will be ended.

It's not clear yet what will be the laws regarding cultivation or possession. For example: it's illegal to sell ephedra in the Netherlands, but there are no laws about growing and harvesting ephedra from your garden. It's illegal to possess large quantities of cannabis, but you can grow up to 5 plants in your garden.

As a side issue: we also don't know yet whether they really included Amanita muscaria into this new law.
SURPRISE SURPRISE, a C H R I S T I A N wants to forbid sacred fruit and experience!!!!!!!!!!

who would have BELIiiieeeeeeeeeeeeved it :shock: :shock: :shock: horror

bbbbbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooo!! (this time I'm booing the Dutch links. ;) )

so i suppose the shops will be experiencing massive sales up until dec 1...

so i suppose the shops will be experiencing massive sales up until dec 1...
I wonder. Most people have no idea how to dry them, or that you can dry them at all. Except for the regular users, most of whom will not be affected by this ban that much. I doubt the sales will be massive.