I guess I have to go back to this scenario of human development, and say, just very briefly: here’s how
I think this worked. I’m not going to run through the whole evolutionary scenario, but this thing
about ego… All primates have what are called dominance hierarchies. That simply means that the
hard-bodied, long-fanged, young males kick everybody else around. They control the females, the
children, homosexuals, the elderly… everybody is taking orders from this dominance hierarchy. And
this is true clear back into squirrel monkeys; it’s a generalised feature of primate behaviour. And it’s
an aspect of our behaviour, as we sit here: women – the feminine – is not honoured; the elderly are
marginalised; homosexuals, that whole issue; many of our social and political ills stem from this
attitude. Well, but you see I believe that when we left the trees, and admitted psilocybin into our diet,
that it has the effect of dissolving boundaries, and making this maintenance of a dominance hierarchy
very very difficult.
First of all, the key on one level to maintaining the dominance hierarchy is monogamous pairbonding.
That’s where it begins. In a society taking a lot of psilocybin, monogamous pair-bonding
breaks down, because of the CNS activation, and sexual arousal. So in a psilocybin-using culture,
there will be a tendency to orgiastic sexual behaviour, rather than monogamous pair-bonding. What
that does is it causes an incredible social cohesion, because in an orgiastic society men cannot trace
lines of male paternity. So men’s attitude toward children is, “These children are all ours. We the