Police set to step up hacking of home PCs

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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[quote:317bwzkh]THE Home Office has quietly adopted a new plan to allow police across Britain routinely to hack into people’s personal computers without a warrant.

The move, which follows a decision by the European Union’s council of ministers in Brussels, has angered civil liberties groups and opposition MPs. They described it as a sinister extension of the surveillance state which drives “a coach and horses
Next they will be supplying us with a USB attachment to plug into the machine to stick up our arses so they can tell what we had for Tea last night!

Fucking Dirty, Right Infringing, Bastards!
Hell, who do they think they are? Do I get it wrong or can everyones pc just being searched even if there's just one officer thinking you do bad things? Damn this thing's going to be abused,every officer whith annoying neighbours, or suspecting someone of making love his wife when he's at work catching the bad guys, can just search them without anyone knowing?
Wahooo! :shock:
Damn damn damn! I hate all those rules that decrease our privacy! Most shocking thing is that almost nobody knows them, or is not interested. We forget it after a while (well,i do..) and then there's another measure.

This make's me soo sick!!!:vom:
Nice one Justin .

First , to recap .

The countrys of europe have the same interests and technical posibilitys .

The british state and the police have diferent rights .

The british police say they have had the posibility to do remote searches since 1990 and use it since 1994 .

The police can give themselves permision to search anyones computer .

Last year they admit to 194 offences against the people / treason . This says nothing about what the state did . .......... Or anyone else in the world that knows how to do it .

Can anyone tell me how the police could break in and either steal my HDD and replace it with a new one and / or copy it without me knowing ? Remember how long it takes to copy a HDD ? And just coming in and taking a look wouldnt make much sense . My info could be hidden . Or what if the whole HDD is coded ? Some of the media say its a trojan or a key logger . Where are they going to put it so that i dont see it ? And where do the spy programs store their information ? = It isnt and it dont .

Its better to look at what they say they can do and think how they could do it than to believe talk of normal trojans or key loggers .

Its called remote searching . With the emphasis on remote . Its an on line search .

They say :-

They can take over full controll of your computer when you are on line and look at what they want / copy it out . The user cant see it and security systems cant see it either .

It hasnt got to be permanently installed or store information on your computer . It can all be hidden in the background signals that the computer is sending and recieving . There is only one way to do that without being noticed and thats to take over the kernel . So the spy is virtual and when you turn your computer off it dies .

Remember 1984 where the TV was also watching you ? Welcome in 1984 suckers . Have you got a web cam ? Or internet fon headfones with microfon ?................ Have you ever done or said anything in your computer room that you wouldnt want anyone to record or .........film.......

Dont write secrets down have them in your head . When you surf use a small HDD with no secrets or codes on it . Make a backup of the HDD and store it externaly . Put it back on your computer every few days .

But who the fuck has anything juicy on his HDD anyway ? Only dickheads and the pigs know that = NOBODY is safe from big brothers eyes and ears .

Please think about the implications . If the pigs / state do this what other things can and do they do . Its an indication of the states greed for knowledge , the lengths it will go to to get knowledge of the details in the big picture , and how little we the people have to say .

HEIL Big Brother
I'm just left speechless by it, just thought I'd add this post in though...

Thanks for adding that picture (I assume CM) was in quite the haste this morning.

Anyways, time to go back to banging my head against the desk and read more of this bullshit. ;)
+1000 for GOD!

There is solutions to try to avoid that, secure your computer, do not use Microsoft Windows... Encrypt your emails, encrypt your instant messaging conversations, protect your data with passwords....
I'll be switching to some Linus OS I think. From what I heard they are getting quite easy to install and operate.
Any Linux users here btw?
Fucked up. Funny how at the same time there are all these things pointing to a darker big-brother type future, and then again other good breakthroughs in terms of eco-technology, psychedelic research, etc

Lets see what happens in the end

X-boy a dit:
I'll be switching to some Linus OS I think. From what I heard they are getting quite easy to install and operate.
Any Linux users here btw?

I always used windows because 'it was just there'.. Recently I got a laptop with windows vista and after too many network problems I downloaded ubuntu, recommended by a friend.

Its VERY good.. Totally functional good design. everything works 'out of the box'. You can even run it from the cd without installing anything, to test (also good in the very unlikely scenario that files get corrupted or something, you can restore easier). This are much more intuitive and simple, it feels like one has more control over it (but being easy for noobs too)

I made dual boot so in the case I might need windows, I can, but since I installed some months ago I havent needed even once. Plus its nice to not be pirating for once :p

Try it.