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Please help swim out with hiis first MHRB extraction!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion uisim881988
  • Date de début Date de début


OK, Swim bought some shredded MHRB Tepezcohuite from KTBotanicals and is using the write up from vibrancy3. Here is the link post-37988.html?f=36 . Swim has a few questions he really needs help and any tips about what to do would be GREATLY appreciated ! ! ! !.

Swim is planning on using 10 grams of ROEBIC crystal hvy duty cleaner ( says 100 % lye, 100% Sodium hydroxide), for slightly more then 20 grams of MHRB, is this correct?

Swims second questions are about these steps ;

19.After a couple hours, the layers will have seperated, Using your pipette python out the top layer of naphtha and store in your other glass pill bottle (this is the sovlent that contains your dmt)
20.Repeat steps 15 - 19 another 2 times
21.Now get your glass baking dish and pour the dmt into the dish (making sure no soupy dark liquid is in the solvent)
22.Place your glass baking dish in the freezer for 24 hours

So, in step 19, swim pythons up the top layer liquid (this looks like the old school experiment with oil water and syrup?) from the jar and puts this in another small bottle, and then what? After a few pulls and pythoning up the top liquid swim just puts this liquid in a baking dish and puts it in a freezer without a cover on it? and over night this liquid evaporates and crystals form?

Swim is following this tek word for word so any tips for this tek in s would go a long way. Swim would like to know if this will produce a decent product for swims first time. Again, swim is doing this word for word with slightly more then 20g of MHRB in two seperate jars. (in case there is a unforseen problem)

Ps, swim plans to move onto step 7.) Measure out 50ml of Naphtha with your measuring Jug and then continue to add this to your vinegar bottle using one of your small filters.

Swim knows this has been discussed over and over again but some things need to be addressed here PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also, this tek says to shake at step 8 but the tek in the mediafire site says it will ruin the DMT so.............? what does swim do>? this is the main problem that confuses swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to Psychonaut uisim881988,

Swim is planning on using 10 grams of ROEBIC crystal hvy duty cleaner ( says 100 % lye, 100% Sodium hydroxide), for slightly more then 20 grams of MHRB, is this correct?

This should be fine as it states its 100% caustic soda crystals (if its some sort of liquid, i would not use and would aquire some caustic soda crystals) remember its 5-10g of caustic soda to 20g mhrb (i just use 5g thruogh)

So, in step 19, swim pythons up the top layer liquid (this looks like the old school experiment with oil water and syrup?) from the jar and puts this in another small bottle, and then what? After a few pulls and pythoning up the top liquid swim just puts this liquid in a baking dish and puts it in a freezer without a cover on it? and over night this liquid evaporates and crystals form?

Simple answer is YES! The liquid (solvent) does not evapourate in the freezer thruogh! Rather the crystals hiddin in the solvent stick onto the bottom of the glass dish (this is called ''freeze precipitation'') once the 24 hours have passed you remove the glass baking dish and python up the remaining liquid be carefull not to suck up any crystals and then you place this is a dark area with a cover on top (so no oxygen or light gets to the crystals)

also, this tek says to shake at step 8 but the tek in the mediafire site says it will ruin the DMT so.............? what does swim do>? this is the main problem that confuses swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I applogise my tek is abit confusing now as there is 2 ways to go about it, the write-up was originally made for MHRB but i have re-edited it as the Uk is having a shortage of MHRB and is now using Acacia COnfusa which has a defat step involved to yeild crystals. There is a link to mediafire where you can download the original tek made for MHRB

(so dont follow the write-up on the page if you using a type of mhrb, follow the mediafire link)

Let me know how you get on 8)
:( SWim used the TEK on this page........... So will this not work?. Swim only used slightly more then 20g MHRB. It has been in the fridge for 8 hours and there is a white and slightly yellow substance in the bottom of the Naptha. THERE IS A LOT OF NAPTHA LEFT.

If this doesnt work I will do the writeup from media fire but might it still work?? and even if swim does it over there seems to be a lot of naptha left over, wont the crystals still be covered in this even when swim pythons out the remaining liquid?

Lastly, swim realizes that you need 5-10g's of lye per 20g's of MHRB. but how much water and naptha will be used for a pull of 50g's of mhrb and a pull of 100g's of mhrb?

but more importantly the naptha? swim hured the crystals get melted by this when it warms up. so how will there be no naptha on the crystals if there is a decent layer covering the crystals?
:( SWim used the TEK on this page........... So will this not work?

I imagine if you have done the tek on the page it wont make much difference! the defat is only to remove the fats and impurities from the acacia confusa bark (thruogh you would have wasted naphtha from doing an un-needed defat)

It has been in the fridge for 8 hours and there is a white and slightly yellow substance in the bottom of the Naptha. THERE IS A LOT OF NAPTHA LEFT.

I dont know if that was a typo or not, but your suppose to have it in a freezer (preferably one that goes down to -20c) but your seeing the crystals form so something is happening......

If this doesnt work I will do the writeup from media fire but might it still work?? and even if swim does it over there seems to be a lot of naptha left over, wont the crystals still be covered in this even when swim pythons out the remaining liquid?

Wel once you have removed your dish from the freezer, pythoned of any remianing naphtha you let it dry, this is where the naphtha evapourates (when your crystals are in the dish and comppletly dry, there wil be solvent left on the crystals)

Lastly, swim realizes that you need 5-10g's of lye per 20g's of MHRB. but how much water and naptha will be used for a pull of 50g's of mhrb and a pull of 100g's of mhrb?

Well think about it, if 20g of MHRB calls for 200ml of water and 50ml of naphtha then 50g's of MHRB would call for 500ml of water and 125ml of naphtha

but more importantly the naptha? swim hured the crystals get melted by this when it warms up. so how will there be no naptha on the crystals if there is a decent layer covering the crystals?

The naphtha needs to be a certain temperature for the crystals to melt, From my recollection NN-DMT melts @ 60c, so by removing your glass baking dish, pythoning up any remaining naphtha and storing in a dark area with no light and air (cover on top) you will be fine.........

I know you have doubts about it, but this is a very basic tek, if you can make cake, you can do this tek easily :D
Vibrancy, you have been a big help, thanks a lot. Some of this was tried last nite and it was pretty awsome! thanks for the tek and thanks for your help!

I am now doing the second extraction with more material. SO I just do one pull after 4 hours? or is it better to do another pull or two and placing that solvent in separate containers for a slightly bigger yield?

Great tek by the way, felt like I was shout out of a cannon into the middle of a crazy acid trip!

also when you said" Wel once you have removed your dish from the freezer, pythoned of any remianing naphtha you let it dry, this is where the naphtha evapourates (when your crystals are in the dish and comppletly dry, there wil be solvent left on the crystals)" did u mean there WILL NOT be solvent on the crystals?
Well i'm glad your all on track and understand the tek ;)

I am now doing the second extraction with more material. SO I just do one pull after 4 hours? or is it better to do another pull or two and placing that solvent in separate containers for a slightly bigger yield?

No just put all 3 pulls in 1 jar! putting them in 3 different jars wont increase the yeild rather just add more time and effort to the process. (a little tip thruogh on your 3rd pull leave it overnight as hopefully a little bit more dmt will seperate into your solvent)

Yeah it is a very basic tek, whats great is you can actually get a decent yeild (espically if your using mhrb, like i said i have got 0.3g of pure white xtals out of 20g mhrb before....)

And yess sorry i did mean ''there WILL NOT be solvent on the crystals?''

If you have any other questions or anything, just let me know, i am gonig to add this thread to the Notes: section of the tek so hopefully no-else gets confused @ all. Peace
Sounds good, I was just worried about what will happen to the crystals when they are still drying in some solvent. Over all I expect everything to go as planned. Ill post the outcome soon. Thanks again
uisim881988 a dit:
Sounds good, I was just worried about what will happen to the crystals when they are still drying in some solvent. Over all I expect everything to go as planned. Ill post the outcome soon. Thanks again

Really dont worry, the solvent will evapourate away and you will left with crystals if you have followed the steps correctly, cool yerr let me know how u get on. Peace
Well it looks like Success! I have a decent amount of crystals in a dish. I used a bigger dish hoping that the more the liquid is spread out the better it will turn out. However, I have a few last question for you Vibrancy. After that I will experiment more with this tek and with recrystallization.

After taking the solution out of the freezer(about 20 hrs) I imminently pythoned out the liquid and placed this bowl in a dark cool space with a book on top (to prevent air from entering).

I noticed on other forums that some people do not do this ^^. some people even seem to put a fan on it in order to speed up the process. Is this something that I can do or should I just stick to what you have told me and leave it air tight? Reason I am asking is because, how will the naphtha evaporate from a air tight container? Am I missing something?

Also, Instead of leaving the Sodium Hydroxide+water+MHRB alone for 24hrs (the first 5 or so steps in your tek), can I soak this in HOT water for a few hours (slightly swirling the solution every so often) in order to speed up the process? I have noticed a tek someone referred me too that did this. I am really impatient and have some friends that I really want to show this too.

here is the tek and link

I have just finished my second extraction and it went well.
I did an STB again using a pound of bark.I didn't really follow one tech,but bits and pieces from a few.
I got the water to a pH of 13,added the bark to the jug shook it well.Then let the jug sit in a bucket of boiled water for a little over hour,shaking it peridicly.
After the hour or so had passed 400ml of naphtha was warmed up and added to the jug then gently mixed.It was placed back into a heat bath with fresh hot water.
This was allowed to separate and was again gently re shaken for a total of three times before I pulled it.
I did two 400ml naphtha pulls like this then freeze precipitated the collected Naptha for a little over 24 hours.
The scale I have is only a kitchen scale and is pretty crappy,it only weighs out grams/kgs.
It was bouncing between seven and eight grams so I figure the weight to be somewhere around 7.5 grams.I have another batch to do,once I get some more time.

http://forums.mycotopia.net/storming-ga ... hread.html
Well it looks like Success! I have a decent amount of crystals in a dish. I used a bigger dish hoping that the more the liquid is spread out the better it will turn out. However, I have a few last question for you Vibrancy. After that I will experiment more with this tek and with recrystallization

Well that just peaches & cream ;) and yes good thinking using a bigger dish for liquid spreads out (i also do this myself) and please do experiment! if you find any tips and tricks that are not in the tek, would love to include them..........

After taking the solution out of the freezer(about 20 hrs) I imminently pythoned out the liquid and placed this bowl in a dark cool space with a book on top (to prevent air from entering). I noticed on other forums that some people do not do this ^^. some people even seem to put a fan on it in order to speed up the process. Is this something that I can do or should I just stick to what you have told me and leave it air tight? Reason I am asking is because, how will the naphtha evaporate from a air tight container? Am I missing something?

Yes i have heard many people use this technique of using a fan to dry the xtals. I have never used the fan technique as never really been in a hurry and can be patient for it to dry, if you have lots of mhrb to play around with by all means try incorparating this method into the tek....

Putting a cover (vinyl record, book, etc) over a glass baking dish is not really ''air tight container'' some air will get in and your solvent will evap (if you actually observe the xtals before you let it dry, you will notice they are completly white, but after a day they will have a slight orange tint to them when all the liquid is dried up this is where oxygen has got to them a little bit)

Also, Instead of leaving the Sodium Hydroxide+water+MHRB alone for 24hrs (the first 5 or so steps in your tek), can I soak this in HOT water for a few hours (slightly swirling the solution every so often) in order to speed up the process? I have noticed a tek someone referred me too that did this. I am really impatient and have some friends that I really want to show this too.

Why not give it a try and find out ? i have never done this as i believe leaving it for 24hours helps in a way with the water saoking up the root bark, there is a chance it might not be needed, you should do a little bit of experimentation and find out

Finally i would never use a tek that calls 200g of bark let alone one pound, i mean what if a big emulsion problem happens, or what if the ''dmt shuffle'' (shaking of the water, bark lye and solvent) is not done properly, i beleive by only using a small amount of bark and working with that you can get every little bit of nn-dmt out of the bark, as apose to using 1 pound in a tek (way to much of a risk in money, effort and time 4 me and i have seen loads of people freaking out online cause they done something like this, play it safe i say)
+1 ^^ and man.....no one else chimed in!?!?!?

But any way yes i agree with the small amounts, the batches are made with 60 - 80g of mhrb.

I read that boiling for an hour or two in the first steps works but one person tried this tek and it did not work out for unknown reasons. I am not gonna let that discourage me so I will let u know how it works out. Everything will be the same other then boiling instead of letting it sit for 24hrs. I am not gonna start messing with drying at this point. Still a lot to be learned.

by the way, is MHRB illiegal in the U.K? or just a shortage? Just wondering cause us yanks (born in Poland but grew up here so I'm a secret American) can get it.
Yeah the Aya, DMT sub-forum on psychonaut is not the most active of places (but ''JesusChrist'' chips in every now and then, and that guy knows his stuff ;))

I read that boiling for an hour or two in the first steps works but one person tried this tek and it did not work out for unknown reasons

Follow the tek step by step and it will work, this is another reason why not to use big amounts of bark!

by the way, is MHRB illiegal in the U.K? or just a shortage? Just wondering cause us yanks (born in Poland but grew up here so I'm a secret American) can get it.

mrhb is not ilegal (yet!) in UK. but customs have the power to hold onto anything they want and have been seizing the kg packages comin into the uk, hopefully this will stop soon (like i said they seizing bark that is not even illegal yet)

I envy you american quite a bit! i would stock up onit fast before american customs follow suit
Dont envy us too much, there are a lot of clowns in this country. Ever read the comments on CNN, that were written by people from the States? The outrageous sHi*t they say is ridiculous. There are many ignorant people in every country but damn............ Not sayin every American is like that but about 150 million of them are.
Well i only envy the fact you can purchase bark, and i know i have seen some of the headlines (there just as bad as uk thruogh, mean look @ ''the sun'' newpaper, they will lie about anything and force feed you biest facts just 4 the sales, lol)
haha well back on subject. I put my first pull in the freezer, it has been there for 4 hrs. Can I add the second pull in the same bowl as the first one? Or should I just put them in a second bowl.
OK sorry to be bothering you again but u came in clutch. Why is the Tek on this website require 24 hrs in the freezer, and the media fire for MHRB only 6 hrs?

I am very impatient with this....................... :(
I Would not add your 2nd pull into the same bowl as the 1st one as it 4 hours into the freeze precip stage

It should'nt really say that (i have now updated it) i used to only put in the freezer for 6hours, but found out leaving for 24hours means more crystals will precipitate out of the solvent :)
Here we go....I will post the Tek at the end.

I followed this tek step by step but still ran into problems. When I pull the solvent out of the freezer I can see a yellow substance stuck to the bottom and a bunch of whiteish crystal particles floating all over. After A moment they settle at the bottom but then melt as I am trying to syphon off the remaining solvent. I know this is DMT because It has been tested. The first time I scraped these when still wet and most of it ended up melting into a honey like goo. Now however, they melt before I can do anything. I even let this solvent do its work for 6-10 hours before I syphon it so I know there is DMT somewhere in there. These are the conclusion I came to so let me know what you think.

1) the temperature change is too drastic; my freezer is VERY VERY cold, (the bowl burns to the touch from the cold). I read that taking it from the freezer and putting it into the refrigerator and then to a room that is 65f might help. Someone posted that they ruined many batches because the DMT melts when it goes from -30 (or however cold it is in there) to room temp. Also I was going to pour the solvent thru a filter while it is still very cold. Hoping to trap crystals

2) too much solvent; for my second pull I let about 1/4th evap(the substance was getting foggy), then stuck it in my freezer. I also turned down the temp because I read cooling down too fast may not allow something to separate from the Naptha ?

Also I found a third pull from another batch sitting in my room( I forgot about it) It has this yellow guey liquid with slightly orange things settled at the bottom. After sticking in the freezer it looked like it was solidifying. is this DMT , will anything form? here is a pic of what my pull looked like after a few days
I have one more batch of 100grams MHRB left that is sitting in distilled water and Lye and I plan to use this TEK,

powder RB best u can, put in Bigass jar

mix eight TBSP lye into vessel with 750-1000ml water...mix well (it'll get warm)

carefully pour basified water right onto bark...use all of it...

mix well, it will look like motor-oil and smell like, im not sure what...fish?

add 250ml Naptha to solution...mix and mix (dont recommend shaking STB as there's no filtering or defatting and it may never fucking separate)

sit in hot water bath, mixing every 15 min or so until it gets 'color'..like hangover pee...

now u can do first pull...siphon Naptha with turkey baster into glass dish

SWIM uses fan evap at room temp...

re-cover w/Naptha repeat x3

now, add second pull to whatever is in tray- this 'seeds' tray with crystals and makes em big and scary...(do same with pull 3)