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plante entheogene

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion julien213
  • Date de début Date de début


Bonjour je veux faire pousser des plante entheogene j'ai trouver plusieur plante dans une liste que jai touver,mais pour savoir si quelqu'un avait et reussi de faire pousser des plante style-Sinicuichi ,Damiana et du Voacanga ou juste qui ont des effet sur le corps.Si oui si vous pourrier me donner des conseil sa serai apreciez et ou p-t meme me vendre des bouture ou des graine ou du materiel
I don't speak french...isn't their a french section you can post in?
Bon jour julien213 , It looks like you posted in the English cannabis thread instaed of the French cannabis thread , but who gives a fuck . Were you stoned ??? I dont understand what you want to know so i`ll just write my opinion on the three plants you named .

I dont think that any of the plants that you mentioned are entheogens ( basicaly paths to god ), exept maybe Voacanga. Voacanga contains iboga alkaloids and is psychoactive and is a very strong teacher . Sinicuiche has the reputation to cause overall relaxing , pleasantly drowsy effects , acoustic hallucinations and improvement of memory performance. Damiana is reputed to be an aphrodisiac and as far as i am concerned it is less psychoactive than chocolate .
Oh my god...ha have post 2 posts , 2 useless u_u