I've found a lot of reports around the internet about Piracetam's ability to amplifies the effects of amphetamines, alcohol, and more importantly LSD, psilocybin, and MDMA. I confirmed the effects of Piracetam with the latter two on myself. But what I'm also curious about is if piracetam has the ability to protect the brain from MDMA neuro-toxicity. I've found little bits and pieces here and there that suggest it does, but nothing really substantial.
"One study described the benefits of piracetam in this way: "In animal models and in healthy volunteers, the drug improves the efficiency of the higher telencephalic functions of the brain involved in cognitive processes such as learning and memory. The pharmacology of piracetam is unusual because it protects against various physical and chemical insults applied to the brain. It facilitates learning and memory in healthy animals and in animals whose brain function has been compromised, and it enhances interhemispheric transfer of information via callosal transmission. At the same time, even in relatively high dosages it is devoid of any sedative, analeptic or autonomic activities." [7]
One site talked about how piracetam protects alcoholics from damage to their brain's from chronic alcohol abuse, and some others suggested protection from MDMA neuro toxicity, but none had references to back them up that I could find.
I've come across other quotes but can't find the sites I saw them on.
Anyone able to shed some light on this? ::coughcoughSpicecoughcough:: ;-)
Thanks in advance
"One study described the benefits of piracetam in this way: "In animal models and in healthy volunteers, the drug improves the efficiency of the higher telencephalic functions of the brain involved in cognitive processes such as learning and memory. The pharmacology of piracetam is unusual because it protects against various physical and chemical insults applied to the brain. It facilitates learning and memory in healthy animals and in animals whose brain function has been compromised, and it enhances interhemispheric transfer of information via callosal transmission. At the same time, even in relatively high dosages it is devoid of any sedative, analeptic or autonomic activities." [7]
One site talked about how piracetam protects alcoholics from damage to their brain's from chronic alcohol abuse, and some others suggested protection from MDMA neuro toxicity, but none had references to back them up that I could find.
I've come across other quotes but can't find the sites I saw them on.
Anyone able to shed some light on this? ::coughcoughSpicecoughcough:: ;-)
Thanks in advance