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Pictures of my spiritual friends

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What do you think about my growing Astral gates and friends/protectors :?: [/url]
they're looking great!
how old are those babies?
I could not show the whole forest but this nine are 8) :) 29years old-thay produce each year 50 babys.
hmm they look nice :D
but those in the picture are 29 years old ??
or those are the babies from the 29 year old ?
ProStoner a dit:
hmm they look nice :D
but those in the picture are 29 years old ??
or those are the babies from the 29 year old ?

that must be the 29 year old i think, because of the little pins on te ribs.
correct me if i'm wrong but i think that those little pins only are on old cacti :roll:
*green of envy*


My 2 precious babies arrived today and they're not bigger than my thumb nail! I will take proper care for them just the same. :lol:
Here are my 2 babies!! They have grown about 2-3 mm since the pic was taken last week!! :shock: :lol:

Q: How often should I spray the cacti with water (max 2 tbls/time)? At the moment I spray them with water whenever the soil feels dry.
Wow, your ones are way shinier then my little peyote...

I thought that cacti didn't need humidity 'cause there's very little humidity in the environment they live in (deserts and stuff)
Goran (hell o mighty cacti-guru!!) said that 2 tblsp at a time is sufficient. But I can't remember that he told me how often lol.

Yeah they're shiny cuz I just sprayed them with water before my friend took the pic!! ^^
Yeah I'm also curious to know how much water they need.
Yesterday was really hot so I gave them a little bit of water in the morning and in the afternoon (just 1,5 theespoon a time)
At the moment I give them a few squirts with the spray can every 2nd day. Think it's too much but they don't seem to mind. Growing like speedy gonzales tbh! :shock:

I did read somewhere that when they're just babies they grow quite fast but slow down the older they get. Maybe Goran the Cacti professor can answer that?! :lol:
Let the soil completely drie out between waterings... And soak the soil < also in its origin habitat it rains sometimes !!no misting! :D
Better to water a lot at once than to water in small amounts
The big ones I water them when I see that earth is dry.It can take 2 weeks or one and half day.This depends where do you live(clima).And when I wather The Green Spirits pots ( three cacti in them ) thay get 2 deciliters of water.To much-No,Peyotie is not Sahara desert plant,they get enough water-even more then you even emagine.And when they are young(seedlings), they grow fascinating fast.25milimetars wide in 2-3 months and than old slow motion which we already know.When they sprout, put transparent foil for keeping moist in little pots(earth must look like mud but it is not mud(experiment little)-and what I have seen in second picture-two small cacti in giant pots-this is sin-you are slowing their growth in meaning that big pots with lots of earth stimulate root growing and put head in suspended static mode.Pot/jar/something? have to be 3 times larger then plant-IMPORTANT-look at Azarius picture.This is proper Pot/jar/something 8) More questions? Just ask.
I will have a window with only some morning sunlight, don't know exact sun hours yet. Will my future peyotes, with good care, survive behind the window? Should i try and grow an other cactus first?
I will have room for more plants, any suggestions? Think small, like 5 pots.
Will i be able to plant some seeds of beautiful strange species in the forest nearby? The netherlands, sea climate. (Note: guys believe me, our climate is changing_)
Will i be able to plant some seeds of beautiful strange species in the forest nearby? The netherlands, sea climate. (Note: guys believe me, our climate is changing

If temperature drop under zero and stays there longer then 5 days yours cacti(peyotie or pedro) will be like beer bottle in fridge(cabuum)I have seen it already.But(there is always but) cacti can adjust to colder climate but it will change theirs mescalin production.Similar with siberian and duch AMANITA MUSCARIA.
Yeah, I've done experiments to see how badly I can abuse my cactus. They're mostly water so when they freeze, it's quite easy for them to expand and break the skin. I bring mine inside whenever there's a chance of freezing temps, because even if they dont burst, they can get frost bite ( with pedros/ peruvians, usually on the tip ) and you'll have to cut the dead tip off in the spring.