Nice picture H.C. thanks .
OK , The picture from HeartCore is perfect for my strange quiz game . The material used to provide moisture is , in this case , how HC has done it , relitivly irelevant . BUT , look at the picture and think about the next step . Think about why perlite could be better than tissues ??? Improve the method . Do something to combat most of the problems asociated with growing . The problems are suplying the mushrooms with water , stopping contamination and preventing flys from eating everything . Make it safer and think about how you could probably double / treble your harvest !!!!!
I am not going to tell you , start thinking . IT IS SO VERY EASY ITS A JOKE . If you ask specific questions i will answer them . Dont get frightened of saying something stupid . Just think and make sugestions . Do a brain storming .
Sorry if i seem a bit big headed , pedantic or patronising . I dont mean to be . I want people to start thinking , to start to understand what they are doing and why . If people do the work themselves they value it and respect it . If people get given things they dont respect them and abuse them .