JFC it`s still alive !!! , the roots have next to nothing in them , apologise to it and plant it again , get some sand from a kids school playground and mix it with sand and small stones from a clean stream , one with fish in . and / or bits of smashed up plaster board from a building site , the sand should be about 2 - 3 mm. and the stones up to 5 mm . Put it somewhere 10 - 15 c , not in direct sunlight , water it once now and wait till it recovers at the end of next spring and then carefully cut the green bit off with a sharp knife , leave some of the green bit on the root . if they like you / have forgive you they will grow again ( that was a joke ) , dont eat the tufts , 3 - 5 buttons is a mild trip , a middle strong trip is 30 grams dry weight . Some american indian people eat 30 buttons , chew them well......or cut them small and make a tea . Be prepared to PUKE = have a towel and a bucket nearby . They dont like draughts and water in winter , if they start to shrivel in winter give them a LITTLE water ... and pray that they dont faul . They have a dormant phase in winter when they like to be left alone . In sommer keep them warm but not in direct sunlight .