PEOPLE in Focus - Albert Hofmann

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion RealityPortal
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For ME the BIGGEST TRANSFORMATIVE drug experience was on...

  • Crystal Meth

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DMT

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ayahuasca

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LSD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Magic Mushrooms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PCP - "Angeldust"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heroine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Laughing Gas

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs


Glandeuse Pinéale
Albert Hofmann
TITEL>>> Discoverer of LSD

Albert Hofmann is amazingly 102 years old and lives in Switzerland. He discovered LSD. Albert was just recently voted to be the greatest living genius, yes (!) the greatest thinker of our time. He's 102 and alive and kicking. Acid can’t be that bad after all. In Reality Portal Hofmann warns the world for Bush and asks for an rebellion. To make the world more aware about inspiring freedom fighter Albert Hofmann's vision, mission and living legacy we here connect some insightful content.

Albert Hofmann is one of the more than 50 freedom fighters that appear in Reality Portal doc. series first groundbreaking 2 hour movie. Here we connect some movies, books and other great content for all fans of psychedelics.

LINK here>>>
he's a great man
he deserves being considered a genious :D
i started studying chemistry again and now (that i've red indepth about his life) i discovered that he can be my rolemodel
he's my role model!
viva Hoffman!!
This poll is verry interesting, but it does not fit with together with the article. It's funny to see, that the psilocine is the most transformative drug. I never tried DMT, but i think this percentage would be higher if it was more populair.

And about Hofmann. Yeah, what i have read about him, sounds very interesting.

Fascinating poll, but yeah it doesn't really relate to the article.. unless maybe the poster was just curious to see how many people think of LSD as the pivotal psychedelic experience? As a side point, since LSD is mainly obtained illegally and is of dubious quality, I wonder how many people have really had the "real" LSD trip.

I've yet to have a breakthru mushie experience, although apparently that could be happening really soon (fingers soooo crossed). I have had one good mushroom trip that had moments of profundity.. but it was only a gram and a half so really just a taste.

LSD certainly was profound the first time I did it. Time stopped, motion stopped, all my senses fused together, I became an organism of sense. The second time I did it reality fused into a single band of information and I had crazy organic visions rippling upward of animals, serpents, bodies...

The thing that isn't on this list is Cannabis. It was my first breakthrough psychedelic experience, my first "trip" was on cannabis, feeling like i was about 3 years old, reality had changed perspective so i really felt I was that size, and the entire trip consisted of me feeling like I was "growing up." it lasted an entire beautiful spring night and morning and was one of the most joyous spring mornings ever. My second, and real cannabis trip was the worst trip I have ever had, the world turned purple, time granulated, which would have been cool except I actually thought I was dying, collapsed, reality faded into these circular patterns and I went through the process of accepting my own death, before realizing i was actually alive and being engulfed in ecstasy at realizing how very happy I was to be alive. then tripping balls for hours, people had the proportions of Fred Flinstone. Certainly not as visual or orgasmic as LSD but no less profound.
ha that almost reminded me of my 3rd trip on cannabis... :D a lungfull from a chillum (dear god i wouldn't have done it if i knew what was up for me, still i+m glad i didn't know :P) anyway after the lungfull i stopped breating and all the time in the world stopped...i remember that everything went slowmo and my friends were just staing at me and i could only focus on the smoke coming out of my mouth (at normal speed) and i was wondering how could that happen, i was fascinated for a whole hour (it was two second instead) then i suddenly saw the sky rotating over me and suddenly i was in this very warm place on the ground, though i was lying 3 metres from a bonfire at 1800 in the evening in summer (something like 20 deg C) on the dirt and i remember voices were far away and i had this really melty feeling almost like being immersed in warm syrup :)then slowly everything melted off me and i passed out for a second and when i opened my eyes again my friends were (worried) leaning over me and asking me if i was allrght i was covered in sweat and they told me that i fell backwards from standing....tell the truth i couldn't believe it cause i could feel no pain nor i was bruised probably the ground was not hard or i hit the ground with my but first and then my head did not hit hard on the ground because i really was not sore in any way. from then on however i made sure i was sitting every time i did marijuana or hashish. the last time i did it i melted on the flor and it was pure bliss (no tobacco) i always get a BT everythime i do tobacco.
On my bad trip (which turned out good i guess, in the end) I was doing blades. Just had to do that last, somewhat oversized piece of bud. I thought it would give me a trip similar to the pleasant one I had before. Oh boy.
MDMA's missing, so I can't vote...

EDIT: And Albert Hoffman indeed is a genius.
It's really an interesting poll, and i am thinking about making a sort of myspace, or hyves website whice is based on psychedelics. My plan was to make all kind of tests in the profiles from people who are members of the website. People will also have there own blogs etc, so they can tell there own trip reports en theories about psychedelics. This will be interesting for psychonauts, but also for amateur researchers. But i will probably post more about this in the future.

Fascinating poll, but yeah it doesn't really relate to the article.. unless maybe the poster was just curious to see how many people think of LSD as the pivotal psychedelic experience? As a side point, since LSD is mainly obtained illegally and is of dubious quality, I wonder how many people have really had the "real" LSD trip.

Hehe, i just have found myself some LSD, so i`m planning to have this experience this or next month. And i am really curious about the effects :D

I've yet to have a breakthru mushie experience, although apparently that could be happening really soon (fingers soooo crossed). I have had one good mushroom trip that had moments of profundity.. but it was only a gram and a half so really just a taste.

I had this breakthrough experience, and i had a verry hard time with it, but it really transformated my life. And really i would not have missed this and i'm looking forward to my LSD trip :D

The thing that isn't on this list is Cannabis.

Hmmm, realityportal seems to come from Holland, and i'l think the cannabis usage it's to normal for him :D. For me it's also like buying some cigarettes in a shop. Altough i had some heavy experience with cannabis, i never really had hallucination from it. Sometimes the world seems to glow a little bit, but i think i smoke to much cannabis and can't have the real experience. And you can get verry fast immune to this drugs.

The first time i have used cannabis, i had my first out of body experience which i did not now at that time. I thought i was going to die :) Which also have changed my ideas and plans about life. I was only 12 years old, when i tryed it :D And was freaked out for a week or so :)

I was astounded since I read that within specific native Indians cultures on a small scale, Shamans ingest Datura (with aphrodites) by their childeren when they are 18 and they totally forget the language and who their mother and father is. From there on, after the brainwash, their do a re-birth and learn everything yet again and then they're 'adults'.

I wonder whether this has a pleasant contribution or not, I'd have to say no but..

Anyway, I'd have to say Acid, or perhaps pure DMT after I have tried that. Although every psychedelic has a role and forms a piece of the cake that makes the bunch of my transformative consciousness. I find calling it transformative too controversal, since everything I carry with me since my first altered trip, has always been in me, even if it was just the size of a molecul. But LSD did the most transcendal rise at once.

Even a huge amount of weed in the right environment, ingested with lots of butter and animal fats can produce a mystical psychedelic trip.
I had a funny vision when i was tripping on lsd

It was this; I just pictured Albert Hoffman in my head, when he discovered acid for the first time. He looked like Albert Einstein. I dont know why my mind envisioned him like that.

He had some acid on his finger, and he dapped it on his tongue to taste it, after the instantaneous effects, he exclaimed "SHNICTT!!" with a disgruntled face.

Then rides his bike home like a kid and trips his head out.

It was most funny because that is how i pictured it.
I voted psilocybin, which was my most earth-shattering spiritual awakening, but I would have equally voted mdma because it showed me another side of my personality - of how extremely charismatic I could be if I was able to leave certain fears behind me. Didn't change me when sober, but helped me a lot to start working on myself instead of just giving up.

But then I could have voted LSD as well because it was the first psychedelic I took and that introduced me into the world of psychonautics. Or maybe cannabis because it was the first mind-opening drug I ever took (and the first "forbidden" one, uuuuuh!). Or maybe cannabis and N2O because on that combo I had my first deeper psychonautic experience (being compressed into a ball of white light). Maybe I could have voted alcohol as well because it was the first mind-altering substance I ever used...