Opening towards beauty
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
I can remember a time when i was more in touch with the beauty that surrounds us daily. Enjoying a sight, a smell, taste, sound and touch for what it is, observing it in wonder and stillness.
Times have changed, or so did I..Somehow I have seem to developed restlessnes instead of inner peace and acceptance.
The last couple of months i sort of lack in direction or purpose and my self esteem also ain't what it used to be.
I see patterns and themes that run through my life and I think this is another phase in my life where i possibly have to make decisions and take a new path. I haven't used any entheogen for a while, my question to everyone is :
Have you used psychedelics to 'ring in' a new period in your life, or let go of old ways? Or do you use certain techniques to get into another state of mind/perspective.
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
I can remember a time when i was more in touch with the beauty that surrounds us daily. Enjoying a sight, a smell, taste, sound and touch for what it is, observing it in wonder and stillness.
Times have changed, or so did I..Somehow I have seem to developed restlessnes instead of inner peace and acceptance.
The last couple of months i sort of lack in direction or purpose and my self esteem also ain't what it used to be.
I see patterns and themes that run through my life and I think this is another phase in my life where i possibly have to make decisions and take a new path. I haven't used any entheogen for a while, my question to everyone is :
Have you used psychedelics to 'ring in' a new period in your life, or let go of old ways? Or do you use certain techniques to get into another state of mind/perspective.