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Oww boy it's almost saturday!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ebene
  • Date de début Date de début


Well tommorrow's the day, me and a friend are going on a mushroom trip. It's been more than 2 years since I last had mushrooms. I was able to buy "cubensis Orissa from India" which seem to be a pretty rare mushroom. Haven't seen in it the shop ever before anyway. Anyone know them? Anyway, just wanted to share since I have been looking forward to this for a while, and most people I can share with will just say I'm mad (fair enough but so are they :twisted: ) I decided to take a pen and paper with me, I have some issues I want to think about during my trip, and hope something useful comes out. Not going to force anything, but hey, if I get something usefull I might as well give it a shot.

Have a nice weekend (to me and to you 8) )



p.s. I will probably write a (short) trip report in here afterwards
I dont know this strain but since its a cubensis strain, I guess the normal things apply (regarding dosage etc) .

I wish you a very good trip!
You are a lucky man to have some orissa. They are one of the largest growing cubes and definitely one of the most potent. Unfortunately they are one of the hardest to grow and they mutate easily. A friend of mine grew some and they were all freaks, none of them grew straight.
If anyone's interested Ralphster has spores.
Hope you have a good trip.
Have a great trip, Ebene!
You must remember to come back and tell us all about it. I'd love to see if you're able to write, as you plan to ... we plan to do just that every time ... when the time comes to start writing ... our brains don't seem to want to connect to our fingers well enough to actually write! We'll be tripping on B+ on Saturday - our first batch of home-grown, so we're very excited :D
Since our attempts to record anything other than some scrawling and jibberish have failed in the past, we plan to have an audio recording device of some kind on hand, so that all we have to do is push a button and speak ... hopefully, the mouth will still work!
What dosage are you going with tomorrow night?

Hi, thank you all for the replies

The dosage I have been adviced is 1 to 2 grams per person. I bought 4 grams just to be sure ;) They are dried. When it comes to writing, your right, it's pretty hard. I'm writing down some issues I want to adress during the trip before hand. Hope fully I can find one or two words that describe the feeling/thought I am having during the trip on the subject. Small things like this make remembering a lot easier for me, since the first few days trip thoughts are clearish, but get more vague after more time passes. That audio device is actually a good idea, handling something with a light giving LCD display will make me play till the batteries are gone tho :twisted: (know thy self). Wish you all the best with your homegrown MzFly!

If anyone is interested I can make some pictures of the shrooms themselves (they look a lot like Mexicans just a bit bigger) since not much info on them is around. Also for the Dutch people I can give the adress of the Shop I got them.

Thanks again for the replies, it's nice to speak to people with similar interest :)
*Same msg got posted twice*
Just don't post the name of the smartshop in the public forum. Since they're still selling the shrooms dried. :?
DevXavier a dit:
Just don't post the name of the smartshop in the public forum. Since they're still selling the shrooms dried. :?

Oww yeah good point, I won't be posting that info then. I might add tho since I asked them, their reply "Uhmm... they arn't completely dry.." :lol:
Selling dried mushrooms is stupid and dangerous.

Remember the GHB thingy? GHB went illegal because of some brats in Rotterdam that took way too much and fainted etc. GBL was still legal however and the authorities didn't have too much problems with this fact. (dried vs. fresh shrooms)

Then some smartshop "accidently" sells GHB instead of GBL. What happened? GBL became illegal to sell as well.

I never had fresh shrooms. Wonder whats the difference, maybe this is something for another topic post tho. Are dried shrooms have like a heavier effect than fresh ones? I noticed a lot of shops selling dried tho, sure they have like 4 portions in the fridge, but the rest is all under the counter :lol: