Outcry over Australian ban talk (datura, acacia, salvia)

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Glandeuse Pinéale
AUSTRALIA’S national floral emblem, the iconic wattle, could be banned for its hallucinogenic properties if a proposed schedule of controlled plants currently before the Attorney-General is approved.

The discussion paper, which also targets common ornamental garden plants like datura (angel’s trumpet), various succulents and other plants like Diviners Sage, Kratom and Khat, has ecologists and plant enthusiasts up in arms.

What began as a legitimate attempt to shut down the drug trade’s access to illicit drug precursors in 2008 by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, has been extended to more obscure drugs like DMT and mescaline – hallucinogens which hold little prominence in the drug trade and are predominantly extracted from wattle bark and cacti, respectively.

Responding to questions from The Northern Star yesterday, the Acting Minister for Home Affairs and Justice, Robert McClelland, moved to quell fears of a ban.

A spokeswoman for the Minister said claims that backyard plants would be banned or their growers prosecuted were ‘ridiculous’.

Regardless, the proposed schedule lists these plants in the same category as cannabis and coca, at the very least leaving them in a legal limbo should the schedule be adopted.

The spokeswoman did not respond to questions regarding the health and crime impacts of DMT and mescaline, and their relative social costs compared with tobacco and alcohol.

Prominent permaculturist and biodiversity advocate, Robyn Francis, was aghast at the proposal.

“It’s just crazy. One of the species on the list is a common agricultural weed – is every farmer who has that growing on their land liable to be imprisoned because they’re growing ‘commercial quantities’?

“And what about all our local wattles, which just grow up by themselves as pioneer species – it means ecology suicide to enforce things like this and it’s unrealistic.

“Alcohol and tobacco costs us a lot more every year in terms of medical and social costs, and if we’re really concerned about the health and well-being of the nation we should ban those before we go down this track.”

Renowned bush food pioneer Peter Hardwick agreed, saying acacias (the plant family wattles belong to) were absolutely critical to Australia’s ecology.

He also questioned the effect any ban might have on the production of wattle seed – a bush food staple revered in restaurants around the world.

Southern Cross University herbal medicine analyst Peter Mouatt is concerned such a restriction on acacias might shut down research opportunities.

“We know a bit about acacias, but only three or four native species out of more than a thousand have a detailed published analysis,” he said. “I would be very concerned about any broad policy decisions on plants we actually know so little about. We’ve seen it in the past where (legal and political) concerns have been raised which have closed down research opportunities.”

DMT (Dimethyltryptamine): is a naturally-occurring hallucinogen traditionally consumed orally for healing, ceremonial or religious uses. In Australia it is found in acacias and generally extracted from wattle bark.

Mescaline: is a similar compound found in various cacti.

http://www.northernstar.com.au/story/20 ... al-emblem/

Thats me throwing bottles and breaking things.

I can not understand why they may want to dissasociate with thier national flower becuase of its hallucinogenic properties, This sounds like a mad attempt at some seriously fucked up political correctness.
this is nonsensical
theres no way you can even attempt to 'ban' native wattles
thats just dumb, you can walk down any street and see at least 1 growing somewhere
take a 10 minute walk into the bush and you'll see far more

ive got some datura growing in my front yard, yet ive never tried it as a drug and have no intention of doing so
are they seriously gona try to make me cut it down?

i can understand banning DMT in its extracted form from there perspective but its literally impossible to ban the trees
i mean,
banning wattle trees?
whats next? exterminating kangaroos?
As ridiculous as this talk is - I am seriously not surprised.

Australia has always been the first country out there to take stances, and put forth incredulous notions and talk on anything and everything drug related.

If successful, It will be interesting to see how it is policed - I'd like to see them haulling in farmers on rural properties with thousands of acres, for quantities of wattle bushes that would put them away for a dozen lifetimes if they were any other banned substance.

I'd imagine it would take on a 'extract/intent' face - like HBW or MG seeds - the plant in its natural form is legal to buy and grow, but not legal to 'consume'.
ur right
australia was the first country to make salvia illegal
the politicians here are incredibly oldschool and P/C
if they realized you can get high on glue, you'd never be able to stick anything ever again
This country's fucked. I want out before I get burned on the stake for containing DMT in my head.

Also, I'd like to see them try and outlaw Cane Toads for their bufotenine content, fucking dipshits.
Sticki a dit:
I can not understand why they may want to dissasociate with thier national flower becuase of its hallucinogenic properties, This sounds like a mad attempt at some seriously fucked up political correctness.

My wife currently lives in Australia and they have WHACKO ideas on political correctness.

They tried a few years ago to ban the word 'Ho' at Christmas time because it would offend the visiting Americans. As in they couldn't have Santa's saying "Ho Ho Ho" because the Americans might think they were calling them whores.

They tried to get this one kids TV show off the air because the woman character and some male dog character slept in the same bed in one episode and they thought it was teaching kids premarital underage sex. (Not sure they wanted to go the bestiality route though I wouldnt be suprised if someone tried.)

There's been other stuff. But those were the two that stuck in my head. They are hyper PC down there and many of the people that I know that live there find it quite irritating lol.
err the ho ho ho thing had nothing to do with americans...
but yes, australia is stupidly P/C
the thing is, most citizens actually arent tho, and dont give a shit about being politically correct
but then, we do have alot of, as i like to call them, fucktards
Crimzen a dit:
err the ho ho ho thing had nothing to do with americans...
but yes, australia is stupidly P/C
the thing is, most citizens actually arent tho, and dont give a shit about being politically correct
but then, we do have alot of, as i like to call them, fucktards

Doesnt every country tho? You guys cant be all bad I mean you have a Sex Party in the government lol that actually has organized orgies on the agenda and a rating system for pornography lol. Thats pretty non PC hehe.
All that this proposed ban will acheive is a greater awareness of the availability of DMT in Australian fauna...which will lead to a bunch of young, testosterone driven redneck aussies seeking it out for a 'thrill', not respecting the substance and abusing it, and inevitably generating more negative media as ammunition for the 'war on drugs'.
Myrddin a dit:
All that this proposed ban will acheive is a greater awareness of the availability of DMT in Australian fauna...which will lead to a bunch of young, testosterone driven redneck aussies seeking it out for a 'thrill', not respecting the substance and abusing it, and inevitably generating more negative media as ammunition for the 'war on drugs'.
Meanwhile those who could be doing much good by having access to this wonderful chemical are prevented from doing so.
Scientists would be prevented from research and study on the benefits of this drug for the mentally ill and those addicted to narcotics. Psychiatrists couldn't use it for the healing of patients. There's also the spiritual benefits of this drug. Ayahuasca which is used by the shamans in South American countries in their religious practices has many beneficial properties. This should be extended into Western Countries so that all may benefit from its spiritually enlightening properties, under the appropriate cultural and social controls of course. We don't need the nanny state to tell us how to practise our religious and/or spiritual rituals either.
Underneath this suggested criminalisation there is of course the "fear Democracy" from which our leaders suffer.
The idea of a population that is spiritually enlightened scares the crap out of them. Spiritual enlightenment leads to a more intelligent and critical society where the population is awake and prepared to question whatever seems to smell of political dishonesty. They can't have that; they want us dumb enough to be easily manipulated and just smart enough to work the machines [or whatever we do to earn a crust]. :x