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Other uses

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Joki42
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Matrice Périnatale
So; it seams that evey psycho active drug has had a specific use by the native peoples who used it. Payote was used for spritual delving, Salvia for healing rituals, etc. Was Marijuana used in such a way? Our modern society has taken every spiritual assistant and turned it into a Friday afternoon You Tube funny. What about the journey? Marijuana has been used recreationally for so long that it seems there is no real connection with its intended purpose. The only perception I can see as a usual tie between most experiances, is its tendancy to to expound upon the ideal. Every person is a phylosopher on weed. The founding fathers made some extravagant and extreemly ingenious plans for the future of this country spanning the entire life it has had so far, and they were stoned off their a## when they did it. Any thoughts?
The mainstream western culture is as a spoiled child with no respect or discipline. I think this is the fundamental reason why SO MANY things are wrong with the world and our improper use of marijuana is a small facet of that. When I was first introduced to cannabis I had a realization that it is never the substance used, but how you use it, another way of saying it's all about intention. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS WITHOUT INTENTION. When a westerner goes to use a psychotropic the intention has been and is still usually escape in one form or another. This is the problem, like you said, it's used recreationally for so long, that any kind of spiritual use is lost.

Our society promotes recreational drug use, there is no legitimate spiritual use of psychotropics in the western mind. This is not a forgiving environment for the psychonaut or any kind of spiritual being who wishes to utilize nature's tools to further his growth. Sadhus in South Asia smoke ganja all day long with no munchies or burning out or any of the bullshit constructs erected by the failure stoner culture. It's a lovely parallel between these two cannabis users, you can see the constructive, spiritual use by sadhus and the destructive recreational abuse by stoners.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say cannabis can't be used recreationally at all, but people need to use it with respect and discipline. When we take a holistic approach to life and treat our body as a temple, it is much easier to do these things properly. It's not just the attitude to weed, it's the whole western attitude on life that's bunk!

'The only perception I can see as a usual tie between most experiances, is its tendancy to to expound upon the ideal. Every person is a phylosopher on weed."

The quality and profundity of philosophical thought is very subjective. But I agree that in most cases the change in perceptions and thought patterns is conducive to serious thinking, like it clears away all that bullshit clutter and programming erected by the corporations and other evils that muffle the voice of your inner being.

There are a number of Lincoln quotes I am quite fond of, and wish that his country had adhered to the vision he and his contemporaries foresaw. It's very exciting to read his words about freedom and equality and to know that he loved to
"sit on [his] front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and play [his] Hohner harmonica."

That's all I can say for now, it's late. I hope there is lots of discussion on this!
Chris Conrad, author of the famous book Hemp: Lifeline to the Future, provides evidence of how "many of the great religions of the world have used cannabis as a sacrament in their ceremonies" between these quotes such as animists, Christians, Copts, the Rastafari, the ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Shiites, Sufis, Zoroastrians.
The religious doctrine of canteisti claims that cannabis is a natural resource bearer of prosperity for all mankind, that we should develop, share, and use for all their basic needs. They believe that the plant is endowed with important healing powers, some of which can not yet be explained. Recognize hemp as a sacrament.
Rituals canteisti provide regular consumption of cannabis, supply and sowing, the thanksgiving and blessing of the plant, the distribution of holy smoke among the faithful, use a cloth to inhale smoke cannabis together with members Community, the pilgrimage at least once in their life in a land free from oppression, and the memory of the years of persecution 8)