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oil trip report

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion st.bot.32
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 886
So I did the deed with about 250mg of the black stuff. In a tablespoon with olive oil, heated with a small flame till it melted into the oil. ( I would never want to ingest anything without cooking it if I'm not sure where it's coming from.) I then dropped the oil into a small amount of gin.

Amazing is the word I would use to describe it.

A gentle comeup over about 2- 2 1/2 hours.

Visuals more intense than anything I've gotten eating cannabis.. and not fractals per se but still geometrical patterns on objects, animated, shifting and shimmering. Lush, vibrant and clear three-dimensional closed-eye visuals, pouring outwards. When I imagined or thought about something, it became so real that the real world seemed to vanish. My imagination felt so lucid that merely imagining something turned it into a memory. Imagined figures and shapes would cross into the closed eye visuals sometimes too, vaporizing in a cloud of geometrical patterns.

The thought patterns were particularly intriguing. If I thought about a subject, I almost felt like I was orbiting the thought pattern, examining all sides of it, aspects, connections and permutations of connections.

The most intense part of the experience was from about 2 1/2 hours to 4 1/2 hours, after that the visuals started to soften and fade somewhat. I was listening to music around this time, drifting in and out of sleep, eventually falling asleep. I've gotten a sense of synesthesia from eating before, but not this time, it felt more just like I was on the receiving end of a stream of dreamlike visuals that kept pouring into me.

Unlike eating cannabis there was no drain on the body. No headache. I felt quite clear. The only paranoia I experienced during the trip was about 1 hour 30 mins in, still coming up.. I was researching the hash poems and my previous topic that I posted this week came up on google as like the 9th hit haha. (Wow that didn't take too long.) I also made the mistake of listening to an interview with McCain being queried about the war on drugs, and listening to his misinformed propaganda and knee-jerk supporters who don't know what they are talking about but still shove their viewpoints on the rest of us.. it was particularly disheartening in this state. I guess he can't tell the difference between methamphetamine and marijuana. Anyway I turned off the monitor once that was over so I could focus on what was happening...

Today I feel quite good too, fairly clear, not really any hangover per se.

But I'm feeling a bit more aware of the internet and the end of privacy in general after that experience last night. Sigh.
wow.. ive NEVER heard of this before.. i guess you DO learn something everyday :D.

but is the gin nessassary? wouldnt you be able to just take the oil as is?
Yeah you could but it just helps it go down easier I think. And it doesn't hurt, after all alcohol allows the body to absorb THC same as fatty substances. I really only used a little bit like half a shot.

Also to note, I'm not an everyday cannabis user. Prior to this experiment I hadn't smoked in a week and a half. I don't know if a frequent user would have a higher tolerance and require a bit more to have a similar effect.

I will definitely do this again if I should ever be so lucky to have a bit of oil come my way. It is so hard to find in this area unfortunately. Even having done it once though, i feel "satisfied" somehow. It was a quite beautiful experience, and it brought out thought patterns I can see myself taking a while to integrate..
Sometimes i make some warm hash milk, but i never get a big trip from it.
And i do use enough hash (quality is ok) :?
But it sure gives me a nice long high.

Maybe i should raise the dose to +0,75 gram hash per cup.
I usually use about 0,3 - 0,5 gram per cup.