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Novice Tripper seeking advice

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PuMan
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Hi all! I'm PuMan, and I just found this site in my search for answers.

I've very recently been acquainted with the magic of mushrooms, and I'd love to incorporate them in my life for years to come. However, I have a few questions, concerns and worries that I'd like to be resolved before I start heavier doses.

To start off, I should give a bit of a background of myself and my situation:
I regularly smoke weed
I don't drink or smoke cigarettes (I do enjoy the occasional cigar or pipe, though, and I love hookah)
I have no intention of using any drugs other than cannabis and shrooms
I am of average hight (5'9") and slightly heavy build (210 lbs).
I think a lot. Too much imo...

So far, I've only had shrooms 4 times, and I've had strong effects twice. Both times I've eaten ~1.5-2g of dried shrooms (don't know what variety) and smoked ~.5g of weed. Both those times I've also had disturbing panic attacks (though not severe enough as to say I had bad trips).
I did a little research on what I felt, and can reasonably conclude that my anxiety was caused by uncomfortable feelings of dissociation and depersonalization.

I've also noticed that my trips took cycles of dysphoria and euphoria. Upon overcoming the dysphoria, I was rewarded with a very intense euphoria that gradually morphed back to dysphoria. It felt as though I was being tested and then rewarded for succeeding. I also felt very spiritually aware and can even say I felt the presence of "god."

However, there were times of great anxiety that I couldn't overcome. I've noticed these times occurred as the effects of the cannabis was wearing off (while being in a "stoned" state). During these panic attacks I felt that my "conscious being" was separated from my physical body. I was afraid that I had left behind a gibbering, mindless body, and my consciousness was trapped in a "dream world" in my head (with no way of experiencing the physical world). I also recall that I had forgotten I was on shrooms during those episodes. On top of this I felt that I lost my sense of self: I had no motivations, personality, had almost no memories, and what few emotions I had consisted primarily of worry, anxiety and despair.

~I know this sounds silly, but is it possible to go insane as a result of tripping on shrooms?
~Is it possible for there to be a "permanence" to any of the effects (i.e. for the perceived experience to last beyond the influence of the drug)?
~What are some ways that I can overcome my anxiety attacks, and have an overall pleasant trip?
~What are some things to keep in mind as I trip?
~If I smoke weed, when should I smoke it?
~What general mindset should I have as I trip?
~What should I be aware of when I start to feel dysphoric?
~Any other tips you would give a novice tripper?

I've also got a few general questions regarding shrooms:
~I've heard about making a tea out of the mushrooms. Is this method effective?
~If I make weed brownies and eat shrooms while I eat the brownies, how will this effect my trip? Will the weed and the shrooms kick in at the same time?
~Any tips on ways to enhance my experience?
~While, tripping I noticed that I want to do things. What are some safe things to do while tripping?

I greatly appreciate any replies, and I hope to become a regular visitor of these forums.
Welcome PuMan!

I'm sure you'll get all the answers shortly, but meanwhile you can use the search function.

Sorry I changed the color of your text, but it was burning my eyes out. :oops:
Welcome to the forum PuMan ,

No . Not unless you already have latent mental problems . It can help problems like that to come to the surface . Millions of people have tripped over the years and the streets arent littered with drug wrecks . If you take care of your set and settingthe chances of fucking yourself are tens of thousands to ome , at least .

No . But the drugs expand your consciousness . That doesnt mean that they realy expand it . It means that you start useing it more . Useing parts of it better . So you might become aware of things that were always trhere that you hadnt noticed and after the trip you might still notice them . Again this happens more with people who are predisposed to worrying , makeing false diagnosies and not thinking about what they do and has happened .

Take care of your set and setting . Write yourself a note that tells you what you have done and why . Also write that it cant harm you and you will come down soon . A clock is good for that .

Relax . Dont take anything seriously . Laugh whatever happens . Find a mantra that fits to you and fill your head with it .

I would advise against smokeing weed untill after you have started to come down . On a trip the effects are to uncertain and can fuck you . Sopme people like it though .

Make a tea . It comes on faster , stronger and is less likely to give you any stomach discomfort . Tea means powder the mushrooms warm some water up to 70° put the powder in it and wait till the tea is warm enough to drink . Then sieve it and drink it . Whats in the sieve can be thrown away .

If you want to enhance your experience do it in total quiet and darkness........and take more . Mixing drugs is to unpredictable . Lots of people recomend mixing drugs but they are either nuts , telling lies about what they have done / havent done it , or only take baby doses in the first place . If your trip isnt strong enough wait a month and double the dose .

Meditate , sex , go for a walk in the countryside ( But dont get lost....... ) , have a shower / bath .