Norwegian government funds MDMA reaserchers.

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Norway?? Isn't this the country that is most radical in drugs of Europe?
That's great news!
restin a dit:
Norway?? Isn't this the country that is most radical in drugs of Europe?
We have very bad statistics when it comes to heroin overdoses, way worse than the Netherlands i.e. but recently there has been some public debate around personal drug use in general, as our laws are to revised soon. Still looks like it will be status quo in the drug department :roll:

Our Minister of Healt, Bjarne Haakon Hansen did make a statement that we should offer heroin assisted treatment for our heroin addicts, but he took a lot of fire from the "liberal" christians and the right wing.
Ironically he was also met with criticism from his own prime minister(same party) who has a sister who until recently lived on the streets as an addict herself.

That being said I'm more of an optimist than ever and am very exited to follow this debate in the time to come.
sounds good. It is just that when you e.g. look for something an azarius, no product can be shipped to Norway....
Our Minister of Healt, Bjarne Haakon Hansen did make a statement that we should offer heroin assisted treatment for our heroin addicts, but he took a lot of fire from the "liberal" christians and the right wing.
Switzerland gladly voted for that recently (30. november) and this is great.
Good stuff!
restin a dit:
sounds good. It is just that when you e.g. look for something an azarius, no product can be shipped to Norway....
True. Customs will return any shipments of Salvia, Kraton, Spice etc. when they find it.
One solution is to ship it"poste restante" to Sweden and then cross the border yourself to collect it, then remove the packageing and labels. There is massive trade across this border, mainly meat and alcohol so customs are not really alert to some leafes from i.e. the Psychotria viridis on the bottom of your rucksack as it looks just like any other leafes.
We just say we went camping with the swedish wilderness girls for a couple of days :D

Of course mail from the Netherlands receive extra special attention 8) Such a liberal and dangerous country...

Damn, I can not sleep tonight after this good news.
One solution is to ship it"poste restante" to Sweden and then cross the border yourself to collect it, then remove the packageing and labels.

That's a hell of job, i hope for you, that one day. You can ship what ever you want.

Do they punish you hard, if you posses psychedelics?
i'm gonna volunteer :P
however i would wait to call victory.
as the same VG magasine posted a similar article about medical pot trials some time ago.....still haven't heard anything on the drug front except that the government wants to push a law to expell all immigrants found in possesion of or growing cannabis :s
Up here all drugs are treated the same. LSD, XTC, Heroin, Hasjish and Chat, it's all "drugs". However, you won't get punished in the same way as the US. Personal users won't have their doors knocked down or having shock grenades thrown into their home. And you won't have guns pointed at you.

I got busted with 6 Cannabisplant in my closet. I was treated ok and after spending a night in the holding cell, was released. Ended up with a fine on €400 - 500. Even got to keep the lamp 8)

So even if we have a lot of rules and regulations on both legal and illegal highs, it is not THAT terrible.

But back on topic :)

I did a search on that scientist and it looks like he has worked in this area before. In 2006 he made an interview on a scienceshow on radio.
He adresses some of the early science on MDMA and the promising results from that. He touches some of the post-scheduling research and how some of it has later proved to be inaccurate.

He also makes it clear several times that he does not intend do be a participant in the legalization debate, but is interrested in MDMA's ability to help therapeutic treatment of PTSD.

Seems he has also been involved in some work regarding pscilocybin.