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No Psychological deficits in Peyote Users

Nice, but let's keep the frontpage for actual news items.
I have seen this, but it is always good to view more than once. I would not doubt that most, if not all, of psychoactive plants in the world have no adverse side effects. Well I guess you can't say it forsure, because you have Datura. Not sure if Datura has adverse side effects other than the trip itself and the possiblity of death.:shock:

But substances such as Ayahuasca, Crystal DMT, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Marijuana, Salvia, Peyote, and San Pedro are all generally safe substances, unless you listen to to propaganda shit preched by our governments!

This is very old text. U can't take it now for guarantee. Bunch of things have changed in many drugs. OK, I do not know notthing bout Peyote research but new study sad that MJ in smokers (1-3 joints per day for 5 years minimal) reduce hippocampus for 12% and amygdala for 5-20%(more or less).
And so on. Just like E. First very safe, now brain toxin or DXM, brain driller in right translation of those words!!
Goran I have also seen this study, and I read 5 joints a day for 20 years. In the article it said.." Basically these individuals were stoned all day, every day, for 20 years straight." That gave me a good laugh.

Goran.Hrsak a dit:
new study sad that MJ in smokers (1-3 joints per day for 5 years minimal) reduce hippocampus for 12% and amygdala for 5-20%(more or less).
look at the numbers: 5 joints a day, 20 years. (at least these are those I read in several newspapers)
these are excellent results! I mean, come on. 20 years... many users here aren't even 20.

high greetings :weedman:
user_1919 a dit:
Goran I have also seen this study, and I read 5 joints a day for 20 years. In the article it said.." Basically these individuals were stoned all day, every day, for 20 years straight." That gave me a good laugh.


OK, 1 joint per day for 4 years would be something like 4-5% of hippocampus and amygdala!

In anyway damage is done! I believe that! MJ can and do brain damage.
Maybe to small trough long period of time so we do not see and feel that.
Meth and E with coke (heroin doesn't included) do much, much bigger shit.
Memory deficiency is common knowledge in the people who use MJ. Isn't it?
Short-term memory loss, yes.....I'll testify to that....I've had a good 25 years of almost daily smoking under my belt for a while now....

My long-term memory is excellent, though....it doesn't seem to affect that at all.

....and defining 'damage' is exactly what all these experts have trouble with...this was the can of worms opened by all that MDMA data, which showed CHANGES
in the brain, which *could* be interpreted by some as 'damage'....

Brain change does not necessarily equate to brain damage......

In terms of the propagandist, it does, but in terms of an intelligent person, it doesn't....it's just change.

Many of the government experts consider an alteration of your values 'brain damage'....and that's ludicrous.
Memory deficiency is common knowledge in the people who use MJ. Isn't it?

I notice no adverse effects from daily use. It has been about 3 years now. This would be memory wise. I actually smoke small amounts of Marijuana before studying for large exams/tests and I notice that I can concentrate and retain the knowledge better than sober.

That study also stated that complex brain scans are not needed to show the effects of daily alcohol and tobacco use. I am glad that they have pointed that out. I can't even imagine the effects that would be present if someone drank 5 times a day for 20 years, it would most definitely result in death.

spice a dit:
Short-term memory loss, yes.....I'll testify to that....I've had a good 25 years of almost daily smoking under my belt for a while now....

My long-term memory is excellent, though....it doesn't seem to affect that at all.

....and defining 'damage' is exactly what all these experts have trouble with...this was the can of worms opened by all that MDMA data, which showed CHANGES
in the brain, which *could* be interpreted by some as 'damage'....

Brain change does not necessarily equate to brain damage......

In terms of the propagandist, it does, but in terms of an intelligent person, it doesn't....it's just change.

Many of the government experts consider an alteration of your values 'brain damage'....and that's ludicrous.

OK, I will reformulate my statement.
You have changed your brain? Made some modulations in neuronal pathways?
But tell me are they positive or negative in nature? Loss of memory or ability to memorize something is negative change or damage!
One thing more, when U starts to get such "changes" you are not aware of them! they came so slow, silently, and U think that nothing changed in U and in your personality. MJ leave stripes on brain but I do not care! I will smoke it to the end of my life! Damage, sorry, changes are so insignificant for me (3 joints per month) to leave MJ out of my mind. Even higher risk can be bearable.

I should note I'm not an everyday smoker but I can say that strangely enough I often have vivid recollections of my more intense MJ sessions, remembering entire chunks of conversations, phrases of the music that was playing at the time, etc. So I have difficulty believing it affects short term memory per se. While you are baked of course, it is easy to be forgetful of little things at the time.. like wandering into the next room and forgetting why you were going there in the first place (not so different than alcohol though really) :lol: Maybe those short term memory studies are done on people who are chronic smokers, high 7 days a week including the time the tests were being conducted.
Maybe those short term memory studies are done on people who are chronic smokers, high 7 days a week including the time the tests were being conducted.

I smoke about 5 times a week, and almost all my friends 7 times a week, and do not notice a decrease in short-term memory. The only thing telling me to slow down is I am becoming over-all burnt out. Durning classes(not high) I am very tired with little energy. I noticed when I slowed down for a period that the over-all burntoutness has decreased. Right now I cannot go without my MJ, exams are to stressful...

I don't think cannabis damages short-term memory or make it less efficient, I think it only lower it's availability. Sometimes (in fact pretty often) when I am driving my car stoned I get some memory blackout, like if all of a sudden none of my short-term memory was available. Yesterday, it was pretty funny, it happenned when the light turned green and I forgot I had to turn to the right and so I continued forward and entered a grocery store's parking, and I was like "Where am I? What the fuck am I doing at the grocery store? :S ". I waited a little bit and all of a sudden I remembered everything.
I can see why someone can't be without MJ? Weird!
But I can understand! Opiate addiction, ADD with uppers and downers trough my life are familiar to me. So I can presume what's bothers U. Try little dose of diazepam or tramadol for one MJ roll.
5++ of MJ per day is more then "a lot"! :) :!: Get easy!

And, do U have skunk MJ or normal one? One year ago in Zagreb-Croatia, I and everyone could buy 50grams of fine weed for 40€, euro's!
Now such weed is gone! :roll: Everyone are growing fuck skunk A grade weed in basements or attics! And that "skunks" shit (OK, it's good MJ with very high percent of THC) but pushers (I love this word! PUSHER) want 15€-euro's for 4-6 grams!!!! THIS IS SIN!! SIN FOR CROATIAN MJ.!!
Where this world is going to? Strong THC, paranoid, mind fuck, expensive, for drug use!, not habit!.!
I do not know what is happening!? :wink: :roll: :?:
I can see why someone can't be without MJ? Weird!

I love Marijuana, but that last month I have slowed down a lot! Like once a week I smoke, but since I have exams, and a lot of other shit going on, I am stressed, and I resulted back into my old Marijuana habits. They will end after exams so no worries.

5++ of MJ per day is more then "a lot"! Smile Exclamation Get easy!

5 times week
