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New here, thinking of taking LSD.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion elison
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Hey all, I'm brand new here and I've come to the conclusion that I would like to take LSD for the very first time in my life. I just have some concerns with the drug that I want to get off of my chest.

I was reading about Syd Barrett's death earlier tonight while at work, and I just got this overwhelming feeling to take the drug. I smoke marijuana sometimes, but I've never ventured off into something as deep as LSD. I can say that I have no idea what to expect if I can find LSD and take it, but I have read about it a lot.

I'm 20 years of age, married and have a beautiful 8 month old daughter. My plan is to stay at home and take the drug at sunset, and be around my family while I am tripping. My father is an avid marijuana smoker, and I plan on informing him that I'll be dropping LSD that night. I also plan on telling my wife so she doesn't freak out.

My main concerns are what to expect and how to control my anxiety if it is to overwhelming for myself. Is my plan of staying around family (as I don't have any TRUE friends) and my daughter fine? What type of things should I expect to keep an eye out for? What type of entertainment activities should I avoid or will I be to busy tripping to even think of sitting down and playing a match of Gears of War? lol

My true intentions of taking LSD is to open my third eye. I want to experience something religious, as I'm a very religious person. I'd state what religion, but if this board is like any of the others I post at, I don't feel the need to get flamed and turn this into a flame war. At the same time, I'm very open minded but very set on what my faith is and I tend to follow it.

That's about it. Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm very nervous about even attempting to find LSD. Just thinking about what I'm going to see for hours is amazing and frightening at the same time. Any input is greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the forum Elison ,

You sound like a sensible person to me . Just trust your self and do it like you said . Try to relax before for half and hour or 15 minutes and then try to meditate after you have taken it . Its not a thing that you can anticipate and its natural to be a little aprehensive . Just dont let that take control , remember that you are doing something that millions of people have done before and didnt get any harm from it . When you come up you will laugh about your aprehension because nothing reakly happens , you are still you and its like looking at the world a bit diferent . A sort of nothing , but a massive sort of nothing . Make sure you know the strength of you tabs/blotters/ drops by asking experienced people , and dont take a to small dose , take a good one or you might feel like you have one foot in this world and one in the other and get confused . Remember every little bird sits on a branch some day and has to jump and it works .

Maybe when you have done it you will change your mind about religeon . I dont think anyone here has anything against religeous faith , but very much against dogma and preaching . But if you do start to talk about it dont get offended when the others here dont agree . No one is going to flame you unless you start talking stupid crap . Just say please dont flame me , try to explain in a loving way and most people here will take care .
I have dropped acid for the first time 2 weeks ago and it's really really overwhelming :)

All mental aspects that have been created by culture fall apart. You experience feelings of wonder, anxiety, happines, sadnes in a way your cultural "bubble" would prevent you from encountering these experiences. I took it with a good friend I trust and his cousin I just met then :)

Every impulse you observate feels like the first time you recieve the impuls. You look at everything in it's essence.

And not to forget: it's FUN :D

Even the biggest confusion had a hilarious aspect to it... :)
And the visuals are awesome :)

But I find mushrooms more profound. I have dropped acid twice in the last two weeks while with mushrooms I usualy put some months between trips to process it, but with acid it seems there is less to process afterwards as the trip itself is somewhat more comprehensible with acid. The "language" of acid is easier than mushrooms.

But hey, if you understand the concept of set and setting there isn't much that can go wrong. HAVE FUN :mrgreen:
Dont think , dont talk , just take it and whatever happens just laugh .
Thanks for everyones input. Just a heads up, I in no way intend on bringing religious drama here. I just wanted to give everyone a background check on myself in hopes that people could give me opinions keeping an open mind that I am religious.

My search for LSD has now begun. I'll post back after my trip!
So you can begin background checking yourself :D
i am new to the forum too, i am 22 and have been thinking of taking acid for a long time too, id probably just chill with some friends n watch soe adm sandler or something first time, only one problem? where the hell do you guys get the stuff? the markets flooded with drugs, just no acid or lsd? pm me if ya can help me out!
You can't ask people for drugs on this forum, or where you can find them.
much good advice above.. such as laughing.. and paying attention to set and setting in advance!

i would also say make sure the people who aren't tripping are totally 100% ok with you and will give you the freedom to move about as you need to, and if you are going to be around them a lot keep communication open throughout the trip


-if you have any creative hobbies like drawing, writing, music, try them

-speaking of music, be sure to put on some music too at some point! look at some art!

-a light massage is an amazing experience, if someone wants to give you one.
helo Elison
nothing wrong with taking LSD around your family if they know what to expect and you are a stable individual. best to have a quiet room you can retreat to if it all becomes a little chaotic which it can for short periods of a trip.it can get a little stressfull if your baby starts crying as we are genetically programmed to respond to a crying baby so make sure your wife doesnt expect too much help changing napies (dypers).
some genuinely relaxing music is always good to keep at hand. i dont know what your into, or your religion but gregorian chant usualy works for calming the soul. i wouldnt expect a religious experience if i was you. they tend to come unbidden and the desire to have one will get in the way of having one, if you know what i mean. btw you can probably tell us your religion safely here without a flame war, we have all sorts, Sufi, Budhist, Taoist and people who have their own belief systems. its all good. its the intent that matters.
as for dealing with anxiety, i always recomend some sort of breathing related meditation/excersise. if you can slow the breathing you will lose the anxiety.
there are lots of methods, i find the Taoist methods work best. Google "Taoist breathing" and you will get something. you wont have to convert LOL.
for EMERGENCIES you can keep some vitamin B complex tablets about, and some valium. only take them if you realy have to. you need to take 4/5 days worth of the B vitamins to block the drug but dont worry about overdosing as its watersoluble and you will pee it out
elison a dit:
My true intentions of taking LSD is to open my third eye. I want to experience something religious, as I'm a very religious person. I'd state what religion, but if this board is like any of the others I post at, I don't feel the need to get flamed and turn this into a flame war. At the same time, I'm very open minded but very set on what my faith is and I tend to follow it.

You have to be aware that an acid trip might DESTROY your faith in your religion. On this forum you will find a lot of open-minded people so I don't think anyone would flame you just for your religion.
My advice would be to do a little reading on tripping first and to that end I would recommend The Secret Chief Revealed by Myron Stolaroff. You can get it at the MAPS.org site:


In that you will find a wealth of information on a way of tripping that is not as common as the "trip and play video games" sort of way that many many people get into right off the bat. I'm not saying that you shouldn't play video games or whatever while tripping, but I do highly suggest that for you first few times "out there" to be in a minimal stimulus environment as these substances are capable of so much more than just "tripping", I mean, you can really learn a lot about yourself with these things. I'd say do it a few times with a sitter if possible, wife who has read the material as well make the best!, and then go with your intuition after that for your next trips. Oh, and get a babysitter! Until you're familiar with the space "out there" you don't know how you might react to crying baby, burden of responsibility, etc. Although there is an interesting story from Gary Fisher where he or someone he knew was tripping around some children, toddlers perhaps pre-language for sure, and supposedly when he looked down into their playpen on of the kids basically "spoke" to the other kid and said, "look! there's someone HERE!" meaning that there was finally someone on their level who was still a grown up. . .

There is always that idea that one can have a bad trip on these drugs and yes of course that is true. But there are ways of dealing with and understanding them so that they become manageable and part of the whole experience rather than the experience itself. No one likes a "bad trip" but sometimes there is darker material that is necessary to go through in order to find some light! No matter what, always keep in mind that whatever you experience is YOU, and that it IS only a drug that will wear off in a few hours or so. It is physically impossible to remain locked in a trip forever, although that feeling does come up when tripping hard! Syd Barret was an asshole who took too much when he should have tripped half as less and taken some time to do a little work on himself. . .had he done that we'd probably still have the genius musician that he once was around today.

These things can fuck you up if you don't respect the process.

OH, I also highly recommend reading through Stanislav Grof's book LSD Psychotherapy which you can only get through bit torrent if you can't afford to buy it! But it's got some great information especially about rough parts of tripping that relates it to what are called perinatal matrices. . .basically the idea that our experience of biological birth(the comfort, the pushing, the pain, the choking, etc.) have deep psychological resonances within our psyche and that these things can come up in varied way under the influence of psychedelics. He also explains the various stages, what they may mean to the person, and how to work through them.

Oh, and after you've tripped once or twice, go over to the psychedelic salon podcast and boot up a few Terrence McKenna talks into your iPod. . .you'll understand when you get there!
Psychoid a dit:
You have to be aware that an acid trip might DESTROY your faith in your religion. On this forum you will find a lot of open-minded people so I don't think anyone would flame you just for your religion.

OT Before I took psychedelics I definitely had a period of a couple years where I identified with atheism. This was after coming out of growing up in a fundamentalist religion and getting as far away from it as I could.

I think that psychedelics actually made me more religious, allowed me to accept that side of myself again. But certainly not as a believer in organized, traditional anthropomorphic religion. Probably more in the cosmic Einstein approach.