New education resource for psychedelic research

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
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I just wanted to inform you of this page.
It is rather new though.

PsychedelicCompound Academic hopes to become a valuable 'free to use in all ways' resource for students, both young and life-long learners, looking for educational pathways into psychedelic research.

PsyComp Academic, established in this incarnation in early 2009 and launched on Bicycle Day (April 19th) of that year, is a UK-based project, maintained voluntarily by a small group of friends.

PsyComp Academic is an education-based project and, therefore, does not hold any policy on individual Countries' prohibition/classification/criminalisation of the psychedelic compounds or plants. As an education project, PsyComp promotes and encourages individual empowerment through learning about and legally researching these substances whenever such opportunities arise.
yeah, that sounds great.