New Book: The Grand Illusion

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I am a scientist, and I have just finished a new book about my psychonautical experiences, and the profound and significant discoveries I have made about the nature of mind and consciousness. This is a really important book for psychonauts, because it demonstrates how serious scientific discoveries can be made from the psychedelic experience.

And what I have discovered will blow your mind!

The Grand Illusion

I would love to get some feedback from people before submitting it for publication.
good stuff, im still in the preface but i gotta go to work, i'll read more when i get home, i can identify with it so easily
Being a student of psychology, this was a truly amazing read! I read through it in almost one go, just stopping to eat and sleep, haha. You certainly blew my mind, especially with the 'World In Your Head'-theory. I've been carrying similar ideas, but as soon as I realized what exactly you are trying to point out in that theory, that everything you see, really, IS your mind, an incredible feeling of familiarity came over me. It was a very enlightening thought to me.

I find nothing to be wrong with and consider your theory to be completely plausible, and likely to be correct. It's a real shame this doesn't get the proper attention within the scientific community, it deserves. Even if it's just (although, I really think it's more than that) to stimulate new revolutionary thought. After all, THAT is what leads to truly new ideas and discoveries, as you have thoroughly proven, in my opinion.

What I must say though, is, in the 'Aftermath' section you do come across,. well exactly as you describe yourself therein, haha. But what I mean is, I think a lot of mainstream psychologists/neuroscientists/philosophers would be put off by it, solely because you are practically calling them close-minded and retarded for not understanding :lol: . Not that I disagree, I can absolutely emphasize, and partly identify with your feelings on this, but I don't think it would do the acceptance of your theories much good amongst 'mainstream' scientists.

Thank you very much for making this available. I really enjoyed reading your book! :D
hope you dont mind i printed it out
im not gunna run to the patent office or anything i just wanna finish reading it at my leisure
it reminds me so much of my own exploits. wonderfull writing
very intelligent and well put together
Hi Mescaline,

Sorry I missed your post back in July -- hope you're still prowling these pages. Thank you for appreciating my book! I have handed it out to about a dozen people, most haven't bothered to read it, either that or they have not found it worth commenting on. But a couple of people "got it" and really appreciated the message!

As for the "Aftermath" section, I don't give a damn what those idiot academicians think of me -- their opinion of my work is already fixed and unalterable. It is quite extraordinary how much pure unadulterated ignorance there is at the very top of academia, where it blends seamlessly into politics (follow the money!). I have already been chewed and spat out by the scientific community, so I enjoy throwing stones at the gates of Academic Orthodoxy.

Pass the book along to anyone you think might appreciate it. I'd like to get a viral thing going. Maybe it might spark some interest in my serious academic work.

Thanks again for being an appreciative reader!
So yeah I was very sceptical at first, even after reading the foreword. However you make a very clear and good point! Plus everything you say is familiar to me, I just never had the means of mapping it out or putting it in context like you do. Anyway I wasn't even past the first chapter and I had a freakout because of information overload(or rather realisation overload). But that means that you are making very good points and have succeeded in compressing them into small amounts of text. Thumbs up for this one!