Hi all, after I took 1g of Hawaian Mushrooms that I had bought from a pretty famous internet site, I barely had any "visual" effects even if these shrooms are supposed to be the strongest and that the recommended dose was 1g for a strong trip. It had happenned before, I had something like 3 grams of mexican shrooms, and no effect at all, and it was only the third time I did shrooms...
When I took the hawaians, the "mind" effect was kinda strong (though not as strong as I expected), but had to focus really hard just to see a vague movement or something (barely) changing shape... So what do you think ? Low doses, resistant body, resistance to "hallucinations" ?
The first two trips I had were really nice (even if I've been sick at the end of the second), but I was kinda disapointed not to see the coulors, shapes and visual modifications the other users were talking about... I gotta admit that the last two trips I had, I really focalised on the visuals, trying to find out what were all these effects I kept hearing and reading about... Maybe I was to fucused on this and "blocked" the effects ? Anyway, I'd like to have your point of view... Thanks in advance, and sorry for the bad english, I'm french and tired ^^... Good day to you all
When I took the hawaians, the "mind" effect was kinda strong (though not as strong as I expected), but had to focus really hard just to see a vague movement or something (barely) changing shape... So what do you think ? Low doses, resistant body, resistance to "hallucinations" ?
The first two trips I had were really nice (even if I've been sick at the end of the second), but I was kinda disapointed not to see the coulors, shapes and visual modifications the other users were talking about... I gotta admit that the last two trips I had, I really focalised on the visuals, trying to find out what were all these effects I kept hearing and reading about... Maybe I was to fucused on this and "blocked" the effects ? Anyway, I'd like to have your point of view... Thanks in advance, and sorry for the bad english, I'm french and tired ^^... Good day to you all