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need some advice on plants.

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hey, im not saying i have 3 plants or anything, but if i did, and they were budding (lets just say they were planted early sept. (if they were real)) and the leaves are falling off.. they are getting their light from a 400W HPS grow light, and getting watered every 2 days. The one plant is just a straight stock, with leaves coming off all over, but they are all drying up, and coming off. (they are drying from the bottom up) and the same is starting to happen to my other 2. (the one straight stock, has a king bud that looks to weigh around 1/2 OZ, but no other buds are growing on it.. (well.. theres like 4 small ones, weighing in around .5 each. but thats it. any advice?
wow i guess noone knows the anwser to that one.. im thinking its because they arent getting enough CO2? i have them in a sumwhat confined area.. but lots of space width wise.. i usually let them get some air ever 2 days or so..

anyway, my original question was about the plant drying out.. and my second is would it be ok if i were to hardvest my plants before they really should be harvested? they are covered in white THC, but its only been just over 3 months.. i know they can get bigger, but i ran outta time to grow. so how bad is the situation?
IMO you are overwatering them. With so much water you drain the soil and it has no more nutrients. This COULD be why the leaves are falling off. Try using some nutrient mix for flowering, it might work.

About the harvesting part... How long have they been on flowering? What strain are they?
Basicly the buds are done when 70% of bud's hair (?) turn from white to brown.

I guess if you would grow those plants it would be a first time. Read a lot about how growing works, register to some grower forum and grow. The buds get bigger and tastier with experience.

do you give nutrients?
please post a pic if possible.