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My Pedro Experience

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Ultima
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Sale drogué·e
Wowza. what a crazy night! i decided to take some powdered pedro i got from peru with my buddy.. lets call him G. so me and G go to G's house to make up a quick tea. (this is the reason we decided to do this, i dont have a usable stove, so i told G that if i could use his we could trip together) anyway, so the prep for the cacti was pretty simple. iv read many many manyyyy preps for making tea, freebaz, a dried out gunk, parichuting whatever. anyway, so we decided to lightly boil, then set to a simmer about 1L of water, and about 300ML of squeezed oranges. i stirred this pot of crap for about an hour and a half, then tried straining it. once i realized that straining that is completely pointless, (i normally use a white cotton shirt, but since i was using powdered pedro, there was nothing to filter.. so pretty much while i poured the tea into the shirt, it didnt filter what-so-ever. it just stayed as a slimy ball of gunk. so i figured since we only cooked it for about 1 1/2 hours we mgiht as well just drink the tea with the pedro still in it (that way you get the extracted in the tea, and the leftovers in the pedro) so i head back to my place after seperating the two amounts, myself having 30grams worth of pedro, and G having 15-20. i poured the tea out of my gatorade bottle into a cup because i found it was too hard to chug quickly, then spent the next 30 min drinking 2 1/2 large cups of some not too bad tasting tea.. i think i actually prefer using oranges instead of lemons.. i think the lemons really bring out the flavour of the cacti while the oranges kinda dulled it down. after waiting about 30 min in my room (watching tv) i decided to go out to see G. i noticed it was really starting to kick in.. and kick in hard. about 15 min into the walk i noticed that it didnt even feel like i was walking.. i felt like i was sumhow just getting to where i needed to go. once i was about 3 blocks away from my destination i passed through a park.. which was undescribable.. a kid on a bike was coming up behind me whistling something which made me freak right out. i did one of those tuck and roll things... hehe.. (yet didnt quite make it to the ground) so i finally get to my friend T's and im thinking im peaking.. but me knowing better.. only 1 hour into the trip.. things are only gunna get more intense! i walk into the shed and dont say a word.. im trippin balls! once i saw T i felt kind of bad because he wasnt experiencing what i was.. although i did offer some tea, he declined.. which made me a little upset, and i didnt know why. after smoking a few bowls i decided to head home. (at this time me and G are walking the lake road) we decided to go to the peir and blaze just to top the night off, which we did.. then BLASTOFF! i sumhow made it back home around 9:30-10 and couldnt talk straight to my parents.. so i told my mom i got too much sun and i wasnt feeling well.. (went to bed) and yeah this is when things get intense, i lay down thinking im tripping WAY to hard, untill i close my eyes. hehe.. wow. thats all i can say. i saw the mesc fireworks like you cant imagine.(well im sure most of you know what im talking about) then 11:30 comes around, i decide to take a hoot of hun, have a smoke, and i couldnt take anymore so i sumhow managed to fall asleep, while waking up multiple times throughout the night due to way too intense dreams. and now its the next day, i feel great, 100% normal and id have to say i learned some valuble lessons through that trip.

Sounds like a good night!
man that does sound like an enriching experience indeed i cant wait till my pedro grows to be big enough to take me on a journey like that