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My first lucid dreams..

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Crimzen
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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sorry for writing so much, i'll put some stars where the dream descriptions are so you can skip straight to them if you want :D

Hey guys, long time no post :) i've been house hopping for awhile and going through a few things but now i've found myself back at home and feeling a bit more settled.
SO down to business
I'm entirely noew to lucid dreaming, i've read very little on the subject and am kind of figuring it out for myself from what information i have

over the last couple of months i've been off the ganja, i havnt had a break longer than a couple of weeks since i was about 16 so its bringing a whole new kind of perspective to me, I've been dreaming again, when i smoke i dont remember my dreams at all, i honestly only recall having dreams about 5 times last year
BUT NOW im dreaming almost every night, and waking up to memories of the dreams
Plus over the last 2-3 weeks i've had a couple of lucid dreams and im going to explain them as best i can here for the sake of trying to get some kind of feedback on lucid dreaming in general and to see if anyone has had any kind of similar experiences

So after watching 'waking life' (a really good movie i recomend it to everyone who would be reading this) i've been thinking much more about dreaming and have been kind of watching myself go to sleep, staying as concious as i can whilst remaining relaxed enough to sleep
The first lucid dream i had lasted not very long at all, maybe a minute or 2
after drifting off to sleep i opened my eyes and found myself looking down, it was dark, i was in some kind of alley or small side street in a city, i could tell because there were coloured lights, maybe signs or something i can tell, not many as it was quite dark, so i was looking down and i was kneeling in a puddle which was completely dark except for the ripples which reflected light from the signs, then i looked straight up at the dark sky with dark grey clouds and put my arms at my side, bent my elbows so that my fists were facing forward and began to fly straight up..
Then nothing, i woke up in a state of sleep paralysis, i couldnt move except for my eyes and hands, i was still calm though, as if this was all totally natural to me and eventually i just fell back asleep and that was it

After that initial experience and much thought on the matter i've been quite enthusiastic about lucid dreams and their sheer potential and so i've been 'trying' (for lack of a better word as its hard to 'try' to dream) to lucid dream as often as i can
I've had some success since then..
My second dream was very stimulating to begin with
I was very concious as i slid into dream, i felt like i was observing myself slowly go into the dream then all of a sudden i was surrounded by bright flowing purple energy, like there was nothing except myself and the energy/electricity/liquid (it was kind of a mixture of all the above) but this time there was a physical sensation along with it, a very intense stimulation all around me, it was like the loudest sound and an electric PANG running through my whole body yet it wasnt painful at all, in fact it felt very nice, exhilerating yet serene at the same time, like there was nothing but this..
then, i dont remember how it changed 'scenes' i found myself behind a desk with various artifacts and items on it, not cluttered just a few things maybe 5 or so... hard to remember as i dont remember what any of them were except a lamp which i dont remember what it looks like either...
anyway, i found myself behind this desk knowing that i was lucid dreaming thinking of things to dream of like "what crazy adventure should i go on? where would i like to go?" but i never went anywhere, i just looked up and saw the room which was well lit, it was decorated in a kind of chinese/oriental style but was also very futuristic/sci-fi looking
and thats all i can recall as i either slipped into regular dream or just forgot the rest

Im going to continue my personal travels into lucid dreaming but i'd really like to know if anyone has any techniques to prolong ones time in the lucid-dream world?? both of my experiences were fairly short-lived and to go much further i need a bit more time

I've had a few interesting dream experiences since i've "gotten off the pot" one would say
but i've written far too much already

any input is greatly, greatly appreciated.
thanks for reading this ridiculously long post if you did.
good to hear. keep refreshing the topic by reading a little about lucid dreaming as often as is convenient. this will improve the likeliness that you'll have lucid dreams as it'll naturally pop into your head more often.