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my first 2C-I experience

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I've been experiencing mushrooms lately and find them a deep source of inspiration, though I had tried LSD once that was very long ago and I was willing to see how a so called "psychedelic" chemical would work on my mind and body compared to shrooms so I took a chance and swallowed about 15mg of 2C-I

Well, after one hour or two after I started to feel the effects of the drug I knew I was sort of disappointed, for the two/three first hours I was just extremely speedy, unable to stop myself talking with my buddies, it was a never ending flow... the drug seemed to have imposed its rules on me, though with shrooms you can't say you are in control at least you are in a state where (I believe) it is your emotions that are set free for better or for worse.

With 2C-I I felt like all my painful thoughts, my personal problems and so on were far far away, a pleasant feeling some would say but I would rather call it some kind of anaesthesia like it can be under the influence of alcohol. To say it harshly I would rank a drug such as 2C-I in the poisons category.

A friend of mine react quite differently to the drug though, though she didn't end up saying she has a tremendous experience she found it fun.

So I wonder what you (who experienced both shrooms and 2C-I) think about them?
it works almost like cacti for me, makes me dance, makes me sing, makes me see clearly the things which are far away...
yes, it seems to reduce the sensitiwity to physikal pain and it sems to intezify the smell sence.
Last night I made aquintance with the bromo version of that family: 27,5 mg 2c-B spread out over 4 hours with ~5 mg inqrements. I never tried 2c-I, but the 2c-B I found fantastic ! Mind expanding in every way, but in a total different character than shrooms. Music totally envelopped me, in waves when I let go and relaxed. Outside in my garden I observed the stars, but from observer I became participant; I felt how small our planet is and was aware of all the billions of stars around us. During most of the experience I was very lucid, only a few times some waves of confusion washed over me. In total darkness of my bathroom there were no vivid colored visions, but instead very large rooms and spaces stretching far beyond the walls of my bathroom.