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My Bible Theory

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion CaptainTrips
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Matrice Périnatale
First, as I know religion is a touchy subject, none of this is meant to offend, I simply wish to share with you my view, and I hope you share with me as well. Remember, a discussion is a learning opportunity, not a battleground. (Sorry if this is common sense here, I'm new, and people in other forums usually aren't so courteous).

As you may or may not know, the original term (that we know of, may have been others?) for God is Yahweh, and in Yiddish, this translates to the verb "To Be".
Maybe you can see where I'm going with this, maybe not.
Considering the use of that verb in a religious context, I believe the book was written without much spiritual influence (maybe spiritual, but not to the extent of which we take it to), as a book of morals, as a book of showing us what we should strive to be.

Of course we can also look at "to be" as all knowing, the writer of our destinies, etc. But if He really does supposedly write out our destiny (there is evidently no way to tell), then why do people still argue why they're religion is better, and the others are wrong...after all, it was He who decided that Martin Luther (not MLK, in case you don't know who I'm talking about :P) should split up and start the Lutheran Church, was it not?

Agh, I'm just starting to rant at the moment I guess.

Anyway, your opinions?
Please feel free to disagree, politely though :P

What do you conclude?

If we are an image of Existence, does it mean we don't exist and have to find true Existence?

Why did Existence forbid us knowledge and wisdom?

expaaaaaaand :)
I believe that to exist you must be in spiritual connection with yourself. You must be a human being, not a human doing.

In my opinion we are born with an image of existence but lose it as media and other common things because more and more in touch with our lives.

I personally believe in a meditation/herbal help for spiritual identification. But I'm sure other methods work better and/or are healthier.

Did existence really deny us knowledge and wisdom? Or is it merely up to us to find it within ourselves? We are all the same, but your brain is a territory that no scientist has gone before. Your imagination, and your revelations decide who you will be. It's up to You.

In conclusion I believe that we simply mis-interpreted the first book, and took it as a near reality. I'm not quite sure about greeks, Buddhists, but I would like to learn more about all of it. Keep in mind I'm 18 at the moment so my ideas are also a little immature. Which is why I brought them here, so I could ge reactions and learn more about these subjects.
they aren't immature, they are fresh :wink:

I'll sleep about it, I am too tired now.
The old testament is largly a history book passed down by word of mouth . It is and was ment to be a thing to hold the jewish people together , give them an identity and show them how to be good jews .
you must not forget that interpretations of one and the same thing (the scriptures known as the bible) changes and has already changed massively over the times. but well in a way this is very obvious as people who interpret it die and their perspectives get lost or are being forgotten or twisted around.

so in conclusion also the role and importance of these scriptures changes. for some today it is "only" a book that talks symbollically about morality, ethnicity and stuff like that. for others it is historic scriptures, that tell something about the times when they were written.

the problem in discussing it, is that the dogma of the bible being the holy book and whatever shit stuff is still alive, and this brings of course problems in conceptualizing the matter, for then it seems to be a matter of belief. (is it holy or not, this kind of shit .... ) or it could as well be, that the definition of "holy" and other religious ideas will eventually kill the discussion.

and also one must not forget that it is only a book and what really matters is more what you think about the book. but then...the problem remains.... mass information (about the book and ideas in it) and probably mostly bullshit and you are there not knowing what to believe.

i prefer choosing myself what to believe, instead of taking others' beliefs and believing in them.

peace :weedman:
I believe that to exist you must be in spiritual connection with yourself. You must be a human being, not a human doing.

In my opinion I think you should "stick" to this ideal/a.

But don't forget your Karma=your doing.

Overtime I start thinking that what "only" matters, for personal, spiritual, development, is to be aware of what you are doing. Like if you are reaching for a glass of water or dressing your shirt, be aware of it and realize that you do not know much about what is happening. Still, I find it very difficult to remain in this kind of state of awareness. But when it comes to me, or I reach it, it feels so peacefull and beautifull.
the problem in discussing it, is that the dogma of the bible being the holy book and whatever shit stuff is still alive, and this brings of course problems in conceptualizing the matter, for then it seems to be a matter of belief.

exactly. Especially in anglophonic countries, it is popular to call the Bible the "Holy Bible" (Heilige Bibel/Buch wird selten verwendet, oder?), a holy book and therefore above everything. I think that it is an excellent book to learn although I never really read it, only parts of it but I really want to do that. The bible is a book of life, not a book of death.

btw I could imagine Thus Spoke Zarathustra being seen as the new Bible but that's just speculation :D
I agree, I love the book. But the point I was trying to get across was simple, and the thread has taken a life of it's own (which is awesome). The point was that we simply misinterpreted the message of the bible and some people have taken it so far.

Maybe it was like a "Human Instruction's Manual to Reaching Your Spiritual Self" or something :P

I love this forum already :p I'm new and I'm already having great discussions and learning so much about different opinions...and no one is being a dick! I'm happy now :P
CaptainTrips a dit:
Of course we can also look at "to be" as all knowing, the writer of our destinies, etc. But if He really does supposedly write out our destiny (there is evidently no way to tell), then why do people still argue why they're religion is better, and the others are wrong...after all, it was He who decided that Martin Luther (not MLK, in case you don't know who I'm talking about :P) should split up and start the Lutheran Church, was it not?
Of course not, how could God do such a horrific thing?? That was the work of SATAN!! I'm telling ya!

God meaning to be sounds pretty logical to me, I see God as the giant swarm of energy that the universe is, and that just is :P.
Well as pointed out by Descartes, if your thinking about existing you are existing. If your doubting the fact that existence denied you knowledge or wisdom, you are also existing. For one cannot doubt that he is doubting, or think that one is not thinking without existing. Also, if your seeking spiritual influence using tools like psycho-actives/meditation I'm pretty sure it is safe to say that you should look to the East. Peoples of Shiva use cannabis before long arduous meditation and ceremonies. I am afraid Christians long ago lost touch with their god, building large churches and recommending a 30% income donation really crossed the line there. The teachers are misrepresenting Jah. In the Old Testament God tells Abraham he must sacrifice one of his own children to appease him. When scorned old Abe was about to carry out the sacrifice, God tells Abraham he was just joking, and it was a test of his faith. WTF?
Abraham was lying , just manipulating his gang , trying to get them back in line ?

" if your seeking spiritual influence using tools like psycho-actives/meditation I'm pretty sure it is safe to say that you should look to the East. "

I understand what you mean and why but i think its safer to say you should look inside yourself . What do you mean by spiritual influence please ?
Im sorry, I was quoting in regards to what the one asking the question said. I'll try to be more clear from now on.
why are you taking the bible seriously ? it's just a manifest of a political idea ment to keep sheep together under a veil.
besides, what we have today it is not the bible, but the adulteration of a book that was meant to made the people belive it was spiritual.
so, what do you think it is a really spiritual book, you ask me.
all dvd players user's guide are terribly spiritual, if we compare it to the bible. i cannot say what's a spiritual book, but i can say what it is not.
how can you interpret the bible 1500 years after it was written, in a completely different world, with you having a completely different education, with the bible being re-written uncountable times by the church, with you knowning NOTHING about who wrote it, why it was written, what was that person thinking, who payed him, why did he do it, and so on.
we can say: "look at me, i have this great idea about the bible". ideas, fortunately, are things that we don't lack.
keep up the good work, and i am not being ironic.