i think that the human being can get used to everything. as we grow, we need something to guide us. that thought of "the music nowadays sucks, etc, etc" is easy to have, because it shows a closing of one's criticism. and by criticism i don't mean to criticize music that plays on radio today. we shall criticize the music that we heard on radio, and the tapes and vinyls we listened when we were kids.
in ancient babylonia, there was someone that wrote in a script that "the kids nowadays just want to play, our future is lost! when i was a child, that was the time!"
that's just because when he was a kid, his body was full of life. when someone gets to know his true limits, the life falls short of our expectations.
please don't take it personally, i have nothing against you, and if you feel like i am a prick, please tell me, as i love sincerity.
on the topic...
as the music does not have a mainstream in some time, is quite difficult to predict it. but i would bet in a more organical inspiration for the new bands. but even the "band" concept is dissapearing. perhaps the future will hold for us plenty of one-man-bands. anyway, i don't even listen to radio, i have better things to do. but as a musician i felt i should give my contribution.