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Mushroom Videos.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion shroomy999
  • Date de début Date de début
Thanx . I like the P.Stammets videos and the others but not "Let´s grow mushrooms!" and not the site . For me P.Stammets is the Nr.1 mushroom growing expert in the world .
Those mushrooms look realy good / healthy dont they .
GOD a dit:
Thanx . I like the P.Stammets videos and the others but not "Let´s grow mushrooms!" and not the site . For me P.Stammets is the Nr.1 mushroom growing expert in the world .

The "Let's Grow Mushrooms" video is by RogerRabbit. They are very good videos and show everything from the PF tek to bulk growing. They also show how to do agar work and clone mushrooms on agar. He shows how to identify sectors on a petri dishes and isolate the best mycelium. His techniques can be used on many species.

Here's some neat info on him. He was sent an old sporeprint of a red spored cubensis. The spores were 20 years old and would not germinate. He was sent the spores by Stephen Peele of the Florida Mycological Research Center. Peele is a well-known and respected mycologist. He crossed them using snake venom (rattlesnake) agar dishes and crossed them with the Puerto Rican strain of cubensis and brought the "redboy" back to life.

Here's a thread that archives it all.

Here's a thread with all his best tips over the year. Its put together kinda sloppy but read through it people, some of the best tips you will find.

Don't let GOD discourage you. Read the threads I posted and decide for yourself who is more knowledgeable.
I started buying spores of stephen peele in 1984 when i joined his association , and most of them wernt viable .

The video is to complicated for begginers and talks loads of crap they dont need to know about agar agar , petri dishes , cloneing and other irelevant things .

If he crossed one of them he didnt bring it back to life he made a cross .
He brought them back to life in a sense. The spores were basically dead. By putting the spores on venom agar the venom broke down the spore walls so their nucleus was exposed. He then allowed monokaryotic mycelium of the PR strain to colonize the dish. He then checked for clamp connections. They were there.

So in a way he brought back dead genetics. It is a cross but not a cross of two living things. A cross of a living monokaryotic hyphal network and a dead set of genetics from long dead spores.

Funny thing is the cross retained the trait of the reddish colored spores. However the PF Redspore srain has a MUCH more noticeable red color to its spores.

The "Let's grow mushrooms" video does show the simple beginners teks such as PF Tek and basic casing. The reason it is good is BECAUSE it also shows them the more advanced stuff. They don't have to use it all at once. Once they have tried and been successful at PF Tek and then basic casings they can move onto the advanced stuff such as agar and cloning.

I started on the PF tek then went on to casings then onto bulk substrates. I eventually started agar work and I am very glad that I did.

In Puerto Rico I found a rare Ganoderma species but it was old and dried up and had some spots of green and black mold growing on it. It would have been impossible to get a spore print because it was dried and cloning the dried tissue wouldnt work because of its old age and mold growth. I did however get a clean culture going with only ONE petri dish. I simply cut out a small section of the pore tissue and wipe it across the agar. After 9 days I had one spot of germination and it grew to cover the whole plate over 2 weeks time. 100% Ganoderma mycelium with NO contaminates. The truth is this was maybe the 30th petri dish I had ever done in my life. Now I have cloned or started spores of about 8-10 rare/uncommon species on agar and only had 1 contaminated plate. All of these were from wild specimens.

The thing about agar is that if you are working with prints from wild mushrooms you will almost always have to start with agar. Making a syringe from a print from a wild mushroom is almost asking for contamination even though you may get lucky now and then and get no contaminates.

Either way you seem to follow Paul Stamets ways of growing which is a very good way to follow. He is probably the most knowledgeable person when it comes to mushroom cultivation, though his book does need to be updated on a few things.

About Stephen Peele, I tend to think that he is ape-shit crazy sometimes. I've gotten spores from other people who said they got it from the FMRC and just as you said they weren't viable. He also claims that their is a Lepiota with is psychoactive yet noone else has ever verified this. many people have grown and/or found in the wild this lepiota and felt no effects from it except the occasional runny shits from eating them.

However if you search online for "Peele Psycho-Sapphire", he claimed to have found a mushroom in California that produces sclerotia which look like blue glass balls. People at the shroomery have found this mushroom. It is a new species of Panaeolopsis. I have a dried mushroom from one of these finds but I haven't taken the time to grow it on agar to see the sclerotia. Once I do though I will post pictures here of it.
Peele has said he has a new species several times . And he always names them Peels lepiota or Peeles wotsit . I like the work of Paul Stamets and also the work of Jochen Garz .

My aims when growing were always low cost and ease .
Steven Peele said he discovered a species he called Peeles Lepiota and used the name over and over again , thats all i said .
Did he find a new Psilocybe mushroom ? Did he get the honnor ? Or did he give it to himself ? ( the honor i mean ......)
Peele's Lepiota's real name is Lepiota humei.
It was first collected in 1938 and described 1943 = Mr.Peele is not as good a mycologist as he thinks he is . He has also made comments that apear to indicate that the mushroom contains a psychoactive substance but he has never offered any proof or further information as far as i know . Other Lepiotas are known to be very toxic .
Thanks for the videos. I really enjoyed the video on how mushrooms are going to save the world!