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Mushroom Smoothie?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Psyolopher
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
Hows that for digestion?

* 1 cup fresh sliced strawberries
* 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice, or to taste
* Optionally, you can add 1 tablespoon of water to make is less thick
* Alot of mushrooms <3

How do you think that will kick in?
Will it destroy the psilocybin?
Was just thinking of a new way to eat them!

Any experience?
It wont hurt the Psilocybin but it will slow the uptake of it and give you a weeker trip .

An empty stomach and only mushrooms is best . Save the strawbery / aple juice bit for when you are triping , either it will blow your taste buds up or be uninteresting .
Fruit goes through the stomach and is broken down very fast, so adding some blended fruits to your mushrooms will not really slow down absorption that much. I would add some papaya, which aids digestion. But better just make tea and leave the fruits for later.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Fruit goes through the stomach and is broken down very fast, so adding some blended fruits to your mushrooms will not really slow down absorption that much. I would add some papaya, which aids digestion. But better just make tea and leave the fruits for later.
So God was wrong?
No . If you eat something with the mushrooms you dilute them and it will take longer to come up and be a weeker trip . It might not make much diference but it will make some . Caduseus said make a tea and eat the fruit later .

But you could just try it , once with and once without a month apart . Weigh it , time it and keep notes .
GOD a dit:
No . If you eat something with the mushrooms you dilute them and it will take longer to come up and be a weeker trip . It might not make much diference but it will make some . Caduseus said make a tea and eat the fruit later .

But you could just try it , once with and once without a month apart . Weigh it , time it and keep notes .
You're like a wikipedia man!
Thanks again!

btw offtopic, im drying my mushrooms!
I put them ontop of the DVD covers in normal room temperature
Should i get a hair dryer?
or is it enough to leave them in this state?
I was btw thinking of putting them into the freezer, i want the psilocin aswell!
Isnt that a good idea? Or should i wait?

because i really want to trip tomorrow or in the weekend, its the only spare time i will get in some time!
Forget the hairdryer . If you leave them where they are , or put them on top of something like a cupboard they should be OK . I always had mine lying on the living room floor and it was always OK . Enjoy your trip .
GOD a dit:
Forget the hairdryer . If you leave them where they are , or put them on top of something like a cupboard they should be OK . I always had mine lying on the living room floor and it was always OK . Enjoy your trip .
Thanks again m8!
I owe you alot of love!<3
Nah !!! Just your sisters fon number.......
Have you a foto ?
Got MILF? :) :P
I like the smoothie idea btw, just something in the mix wich overpowers the foresty taste of the shrooms. Strawberry`s sound good, I know lemon always works very well.
I usually make a smoothie of the mushroom. Last time I just put them in lewd beets and potatoes and mixed them in the blender. Tasted quite good. But I might be true that the trip becomes slower, I don't know.

I just hate the pure taste of the shrooms. I can eat a few, but not 2 boxes.

The problem with making tea is that the coffefilter gets blocked by the blended mushrooms. Anybody who has another way to make mushroom tea?
Maybe in a sif and a coarser mushroom blend?

Grtz. Paz.
A tea sieve will do fine however small you powder them as when itse wet it swells up . Or just use a piece of fine material and wring them out .
reading this thread made me feel very nauseous indeed. if anyone mentions mushrooms i can instantly taste them :?
I sometimes smell them suddenly when I'm on my bike on my way to the office. Maybe there's some other fungus growing that smells like cubensis? Or is it anchored like a hallucination-like memory in my brain?

A while ago I had a dream that was exactly like a shroom trip. The sucking feeling in my head and all the colors. And I didn't have shrooms for months!

I never threw up, but still I don't really like the taste that comes up every once and a while. It kinda ruins the trip a bit, when I want to focus on other things than feeling my stomach.

I think making tea is the cleanest way. Next time I 'll use some tea sieves and dried blended shrooms.
I've put the mushies in a "tea ball", a metal ball with fine mesh. Not sure if that's the correct term. Worked pretty well, but was a fairly mild trip.
I find the best method is to just powder your shrooms, put the powder in hot water with a bit of lemon juice in it (it increases psilocybin/psilocin solubility water + makes the taste better), mix it and wait ~15 min. Then I drink this as fast as possible, with a glass of water next to me :)