Mushroom ban causes ripple effects

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
As the Dutch rocket toward their unhappy mushroom ban, a recent Time update offers speculation as to what might take the place of "paddos," as they're called, in the hearts and bodies of consciousness-expanding thrill seekers. LSD use, for instance, might come back into style:

Rogier Bos, speaking for the expert body that advised the minister on the issue, agrees. "If these consumers switch back to LSD, public health will suffer." The synthetic hallucinogen, which has been banned since 1966, is usually sold as a piece of impregnated paper, and thus easier to hide and trade than the bulky mushrooms.

LSD is not the only drug set to benefit from a paddo ban. Some experts predict that San Pedro, a cactus of the Andes, could fill some of the hallucinogenic void in the wake of the mushroom ban. And a range of other flora remains off the radar, and thus not prohibited, according to Bos. "There are so many blossoms or cacti that can be tried," he says. "We can't even scientifically say if these products cause a hallucinogenic effect, let alone what the health risks may be."

Hmm, you mean banning a psychoactive substance isn't going to result in a totally and constantly sober population? I'm stunned, nay, shocked.


This is totally unexpected!
The is LSD market is going to boom, its like the 60s all over again :D

But thats totally normal, did they really think that by banning mushrooms they would eliminate the use of psychoactives? and guarantee the publics health? :lol:
I don't think any of the plants will take the place of the shroom. LSD is indeed the most likely candidate to replace the mushroom, because it doesn't upset the stomach like most of the natural hallucinogens do, and indeed you can carry hundreds of doses in your wallet (try that with San Pedro!).

But as much as I would welcome a renewed popularity of LSD, I feel much more passionate about absolute legalization of the mushroom, in the entire European union, and beyond. Is it possible?
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
But as much as I would welcome a renewed popularity of LSD, I feel much more passionate about absolute legalization of the mushroom, in the entire European union, and beyond. Is it possible?

Rearrange the first two words of that last sentence and replace the question mark for an exclamation mark :D
An LSD boom is the greatest thing that could happen for me: I always wanted to try it, and it looks like the perfect drug for me, exactly what I'm looking for; my only problem with shrooms is that it makes me feel down, a bit tired (although i cant sleep), which, when I don't manage the effect as I want to, makes me feel depressed, which ruins up to 3 hours of my trip, most of the time that depressed feeling comes right after the peak, so my trip is kind of ruined. I've been told and read on the internet that the effect of LSD was more visual (tho massive shroom dosage can cause more visuals), was exactly the same mentally but with a speedy side. Also, I bought some blotters once and they were very very weak, but I loved that small feeling they gave me. And why do they say that if LSD becomes more popular, public health will suffer? Isn't LSD even safer than shrooms?
If you think mushrooms are tiring, have fun with LSD. I think you just did't do enough. LSD visuals are nothing compared to a full psilocybin dose.

Thing is not many people ever figure out what mushrooms can do as pointed out by a big multi poll on shroomery a year ago

If there's an LSD boom in the Netherlands, I sure that it's contagious and comes to different parts of the world like... oh let's say Canada (or more specifically, Toronto) :D
HeartCore a dit:
If you think mushrooms are tiring, have fun with LSD. I think you just did't do enough. LSD visuals are nothing compared to a full psilocybin dose.

Thing is not many people ever figure out what mushrooms can do as pointed out by a big multi poll on shroomery a year ago


What do you mean by "If you think mushrooms are tiring, have fun with LSD."?? Do you feel tired when on LSD? Not from what people told me, and not from what I read on the internet... I know that mushrooms can be a lot more visual than LSD, but you need to take big quantiities, and I'm not ready for such doeses yet
HeartCore a dit:
Thing is not many people ever figure out what mushrooms can do as pointed out by a big multi poll on shroomery a year ago

what do you mean by that? Any chance you could post a link to the poll?
am i the only one who noticed that since the decision to ban mushrooms is about final, there has been no news of mushroom incidents?
^there was one, on RTV Noord Holland, but it didn't make it to the newspaper...
thats what i mean, a few months ago it would have been on the news, in all the papers and shit...
Psychoid a dit:
What do you mean by "If you think mushrooms are tiring, have fun with LSD."?? Do you feel tired when on LSD? Not from what people told me, and not from what I read on the internet... I know that mushrooms can be a lot more visual than LSD, but you need to take big quantiities, and I'm not ready for such doeses yet.

Haha, I yet have to find out where this idea comes from. Mushrooms, are way more visually colourful than any acid form. Especially at higher dosages. I never hallucinated that much on acid compared to shrooms.

Also acid feels a lil bit more chemical and human produced, there's nothing wrong with that at all. But shrooms are way more fresh and raw in the mind.

Believe it or not, even mescaline is way more colourfull than acid if dosed strong.

If you want to know why Indians always put feathers on their heads and wore courfull customs, take 500 mg mescaline or take 70 grams of cubensis.

I'm in doubt or LSD would have ever become illegal if it didn't caused so much objection against the government in the 60's. The classification of the government whether something is illegal or not, or in which schedule it's placed, says NOTHING about the intensity/power of the effects.

Btw, in the smartshop last weekend they told me that the sell of shrooms is legal till January.
For me good acid had no physical feelings , i just had a trip , mushrooms was always very physical though . The strongest hallucinations i ever had on acid were the times when the world became a dysny type cartoon and the walls started breathing and the floor was like walking on a matress , or the time i went back to being a baby and droped some water on the long haired carpet wich became like a sea world . On mushrooms i once was having a piss in the woods behind a tree and snow white with dracula teeth and the 7000 dwarves with broad swords and double headed axes sprang from behind other trees and chased me out with my plonker in my hand , much to the surprise of me and the people i was with !!!!
WetStaples a dit:
If there's an LSD boom in the Netherlands, I sure that it's contagious and comes to different parts of the world like... oh let's say Canada (or more specifically, Toronto) :D

haha, seconded. ugh.
I'd rather see a mushroom boom than an LSD boom actually. I would love to see this long-acting, not so visionary psychedelic LSD be used by psychologists and therapists everywhere, but it's the short peak, highly visionary mushrooms that I'd wish everyone on this planet would experience at least once. And the best thing is: everyone can grow or pick their own! :D
