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MST contin VS oxycodone VS hidromorphone

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Goran.Hrsak
  • Date de début Date de début
I am not familar with the brand MST contin but I am asuming since it ends with contin that its active chemical is oxycodone. so your MSTcontin is oxycodone. Now hydrocodne is a different chemical but its high is no where near as strong as oxycodone. although the high is a matter of opinion, oxycodone is prescribed for more intense pain than hydrocodone making its opiate effects much stronger. SO, the stronger high is the oxycodone (your MST contin, I would verify its active chemical to be safe) not the hydrocodone.
I am an opiate master/ MSContin is a 60mg continous release morphine sulfate tablet. It would be the weakest opiate of the 3 you listed. Oxycodone is the next strongest. It gives a more intense rush than morphine and seems to last a little longer too. Hydromorphone mg for mg is the strongest of all 3. I rarely get my hands on this and ive only done small amounts in the form of lil green pills i believe to be 4mg strength but i love them. hope this will clear it up for you
indeed i am an opiate user, and i use oxycodone on a daily basis, and i always fucking love the chance to get my hands on some Hydromorphone. its absolutely my favorite thing in life haha, im about to get my hands on 40 of them =)
Masamieiri0 a dit:
indeed i am an opiate user, and i use oxycodone on a daily basis, and i always fucking love the chance to get my hands on some Hydromorphone. its absolutely my favorite thing in life haha, im about to get my hands on 40 of them =)

Maybe you should consider a break...(haha ?)
You shouldnt be using a drug if you cant spell it just to clear things up

Plugging MScontin is much more effective than other methods excluding intraveiniously.

MS= Morphine Sulfate

And as mentioned above oxycodone= contin

Hydrocodone is a derivitive of morphine and usually contains APAP

5/500 = 5mg hydrocodone 500mg APAP

APAP is acetaminophen
hes not asking about hydrocodone, noobs, hes asking about hydromorphone aka dilaudid.
you're welcome :wink:
nagglef0rd a dit:
Anyone wanna post info about oxymorphone?

But this chem made from one drug into another is only available in US. I even in UK have not found oxymorphone. But I think that it is powerful stuff for you to OD. Similar to fentanyl. For me morphine is the best, even better than heroin.