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Most visual weed experience ever..

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion st.bot.32
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 886
I'm jotting this down partially because it seems I don't know many people who really get as much of a visual response out of weed as I do. I wonder if it because of my patterns of usage.. less frequently, but quite a lot at once. I tend to smoke once or twice a week these days, and every so often I have a Terrence McKenna style session..

So recently my roommate moved out and I had the whole place to myself and was driven to celebrate getting my space back.. I had a small amount of fairly strong sativa (around here called Jack) and hash left over, so I did the hot knives (i don't do them often but damn are they effective.. ;) ).

Not long after I realized this was far more than I've smoked in one session probably in a very long time, and done all at once.

Besides a complete warping of time and space, and blurring of motion, I had vibrant, vivid closed eye visuals, plus when I imagined things with my eyes closed they would appear and disappear in bursts of colorful lights.. when I looked at paintings or photos I saw lines and vectors shooting across the visual paths of the images.. at one point I kept seeing this portal in the corner of my eye and thought I saw aliens peering through the portal at me, monitoring me. When I started at objects they would change color and shape, get covered in bizarre patterns like moire patterns.. my subvocalized thoughts became almost real, transformed practically into a chorus of voices..

And this crazy music started popping into my head, I still remember it clearly as well and am going to have to try to write it down..

Usually the day after weed I feel a bit lethargic. this time around i was indeed tired but also I felt refreshed and happy, as if I had released some kind of pent-up energy that needed to get out. (Much like the great feeling I get off of acid if I get a good sleep right after). However it took me the entirety of the next day to return to baseline.

Anyway I <3 weed.
haha amen! I love when weed knocks you on your ass...quite literally right after taking one huuuuge waterfall hit i fell flat on my face in my friends gravel garage :shock: haha it was pretty funny i tripped out hard that night :D
Wow, sounds awesome.

Well, dutch psychonaut.com meeting 3 at my place, i hadn't smoked in 2 weeks and then ofcourse almost everybody brought weed and hash.
So it was one intense smoking session.
i remember quite clearly the feeling i had: Ok, now i've really had enough, this is my last and then Forkbender held a joint in front of my face saying something like "You sure? You know you want to" :mrgreen:
Caduceus brought 2 mindfolds (thanks for the 1 C :prayer:) and i put one on and i started seeing patterns and complex sort of graffiti style shapes emerging out of the music that was put on.
It was really intense.

When i feel really really high or stoned i put it on and maaan, i get lost in CEV's :D
^Yeah, that was a good meeting. :mrgreen:

I had some crazy visuals of the weed that night myself, even OEV's. I saw what everybody was talking about happening around them.
interestingly enough me and my friend where talking about something like this, so i was wondering about how much weed do we need each to get a trip like this?
Don't stop till you get enough. :rock:

Really depends on tolerance/sensitivity/strength. Too many factors to give you a definite answer on the amount needed.

What I learned recently is that you have to 'let it be' in the sense that you have to allow it to happen, while in fact it is always there and is suppressed most of the time.
hehe, nice stories everyone! :)

my heaviest cannabis experience was when I took a quite big pure hit from the bong. 5 minutes later I was sitting on the couch, my vision was fading in steps to the behind and my laughter had this reverb and echo to it :D
that hit me hard. I wasn't expecting something like that.
then I decided to go home with my friend. our way home is through the whole city and the forest we are living in. usually it would take us about 40 minutes to go home. this time it took a bit longer :lol:
distracted by expanding black dots which were on the floor and purple rain we tried to go through the city. on our way, we often stood still, looking at the floor and wondering what the hell was going on, just to realise after some time that it was actually raining. we were so happy :)
the story would go on endlessly, including grim people who would straightly walk right into us if we didn't step aside, treetrunks which looked like humans and so on.. you get the point.

I didn't realise that I missed out on big chance to have a trip inwards, but hey, it was so much fun :mrgreen:

I like how the mindfold website says that the mask is "Great for travelling" :D
I´ve had quite a few visual experiences, one was with a hot cake a ate, it got me tripping for half a day moreless, I had the stereo(psytrance music) on and could see it as a huge castle shooting out beams of light and color as the music went on.

Other time I felt whole like jelly on a plate, hahahaha, even my eyes felt like that,. And well... I´ve got, plenty of times, the joy of dancing, and as I dance I can sort of "create" stuff (eyes closed), like worlds or storms just at the same rythm as the music... Once I even when travelling through the universe... very vivid visuals, all of them... of course I had quite a reasonable amount of THC released into my bloodstream to acomplish this.

But hell yeah, ganja visuals rock my world so much, hahaha.
A couple years ago I was on the HighLife hempfair in Holland.
It was possible to try the vaporizers, so that's what we did (for a couple of hours long :twisted:). We had a lot of very high quality weed and hash with us and that was very noticeable via the vaporizer!

After some vapes, i took another hit and hold it for a couple of seconds... I got the feeling like i was really going high, with my feeds not on the ground, but floating upwards.
That was pretty intense! 8)

Edit: Sorry, I see afterwards that this topic goes about visuals... never really had really sick visuals from weed, I really have to take some other stuff to get that. :wink:
What is the "hot knives"?
Well, it's not exactly the most relaxing way to inhale, but damn is it effective. Heat butterknives using stove element, vaporize bud using knives, inhale. Typically involving a large bottle with the bottom cut out. Some people freeze lots of ice right into the bottle to cool the smoke.

I've really only done it a few times in my life, it's rather harsh. The most intense weed trip I've ever had (mentally intense, unlike the above experience, which was quite relaxed albeit very visual) was a result of doing the hot knives.. (time granulation, OEV, audio hallucinations etc)
One of my most beautiful visuals was with a marijuana joint. A huge one for sure. When i finished it i closed my eyes turned up the volume of the dub reggae and all sounds became visible. A wild pattern of colours danced in the rythm of the music. As my high went higher and higher the visuals/experience got more intens ever since. At one point i could see my body with my eyes still closed. When i'd move my hand i could see that with my third eye. From the smallest pieces of atoms to the size of organs and limps i could all see them as part of me and me being part of my 'enviroment'. Every cell, atom,bone every whatever sound/colour/feeling i was was shining like the whitest thing you've ever seen. Kinda like a Alex Grey painting that was alive. What am i? I asked myself, and without thinking or delay: we're love and all that shined shined ever brighter and my smile almost hurted me :lol:

marijuana is a lovely lady
st.bot.32 a dit:
Well, it's not exactly the most relaxing way to inhale, but damn is it effective. Heat butterknives using stove element, vaporize bud using knives, inhale. Typically involving a large bottle with the bottom cut out. Some people freeze lots of ice right into the bottle to cool the smoke.

I've really only done it a few times in my life, it's rather harsh. The most intense weed trip I've ever had (mentally intense, unlike the above experience, which was quite relaxed albeit very visual) was a result of doing the hot knives.. (time granulation, OEV, audio hallucinations etc)

still don't seem to understand it :D
Can't you make pictures or something? ^^
Haha, I will try to explain again. Like I said though, it is kind of harsh. Hot smoke.

Take a large bottle, like a 2L juice bottle and cut off the bottom. fill with ice and allow the ice to melt just a bit, then place in freezer (so the ice freezes right into the bottle.)

Take a bit of bud, or spot of hash and put it on something like the underside of a plate.

Stick the tips of two butterknives (warning, they will get blackened by this process) into a stove element, let them wedge into the element, and heat them for a minute or so.

Take one knife by the handle and touch the hot tip of the knife against the bud, it shoudl stick to the knife. Flip it so the bud is on top of the knife. Place under bottle. Stick the other knife against the other side of the bud and it will go poof into smoke.

(When I inhale I do it a bit at a time, thc hits the lungs instantly and you don't need to inhale deeply)

You CAN do it without the ice, but the smoke is kind of hot and unpleasant. The ice really only helps a bit, too.

This method is quite effective, if you do it, start small..

Really though, I find a glass pipe works almost as good, and it is far easier on the lungs.
JosVU a dit:
One of my most beautiful visuals was with a marijuana joint. A huge one for sure. When i finished it i closed my eyes turned up the volume of the dub reggae and all sounds became visible. A wild pattern of colours danced in the rythm of the music. As my high went higher and higher the visuals/experience got more intens ever since. At one point i could see my body with my eyes still closed. When i'd move my hand i could see that with my third eye. From the smallest pieces of atoms to the size of organs and limps i could all see them as part of me and me being part of my 'enviroment'. Every cell, atom,bone every whatever sound/colour/feeling i was was shining like the whitest thing you've ever seen. Kinda like a Alex Grey painting that was alive. What am i? I asked myself, and without thinking or delay: we're love and all that shined shined ever brighter and my smile almost hurted me :lol:

marijuana is a lovely lady

Wow cool, Alex Grey has an awesome work under his arm, I´d love to meet him one day... and about the visuals, I had another one myself last night... I can´t explain it cause I can remember most of it... but for at least half an hour I went away... I remember seeing awesome things and feeling great when I came back to earth.

Btw, anyone knows if its normal, dangerous or what when high, and I mean really high... sometimes I just stop breathing for a moment until my body really implores for oxigen, its scary, but through that feeling I´ve felt, like last night, that my third eye opens. Is it me tripping or someone else has had something similar?
st.bot.32 a dit:
Haha, I will try to explain again. Like I said though, it is kind of harsh. Hot smoke.

Take a large bottle, like a 2L juice bottle and cut off the bottom. fill with ice and allow the ice to melt just a bit, then place in freezer (so the ice freezes right into the bottle.)

Take a bit of bud, or spot of hash and put it on something like the underside of a plate.

Stick the tips of two butterknives (warning, they will get blackened by this process) into a stove element, let them wedge into the element, and heat them for a minute or so.

Take one knife by the handle and touch the hot tip of the knife against the bud, it shoudl stick to the knife. Flip it so the bud is on top of the knife. Place under bottle. Stick the other knife against the other side of the bud and it will go poof into smoke.

(When I inhale I do it a bit at a time, thc hits the lungs instantly and you don't need to inhale deeply)

You CAN do it without the ice, but the smoke is kind of hot and unpleasant. The ice really only helps a bit, too.

This method is quite effective, if you do it, start small..

Really though, I find a glass pipe works almost as good, and it is far easier on the lungs.

aight mate, thx for the tip. I'm definetely gonna try this when i run short on stash.
found some clips too:

I've met people who use the hot knives to smoke resin too. Eww. (OK, I admit, I've tried it.)