Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
By Ofri Ilani, Haaretz, correspondent

"And all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking." Thus the book of Exodus describes the impressive moment of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

The "perceiving of the voices" has been interpreted endlessly since these words were first written. When Professor Benny Shanon, professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, reads the verse, he recalls a powerful hallucinatory experience he had when he visited the Amazon and drank a potion made from a plant called ayahuasca.

"One of the things that happens when you drink the potion is a visual experience created via sounds," he says. Shanon presents a provocative theory in an article published this week in the philosophy journal Time and Mind. The religious ceremonies of the Israelites included the use of psychotropic materials that can found in the Negev and Sinai, he says.

"I have no direct proof of this interpretation," and such proof cannot be expected, he says. However, "it seems logical that something was altered in people's consciousness. There are other stories in the Bible that mention the use of plants: for example, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden."

Shanon, former head of the Hebrew University psychology department, said his first experience with ayahuasca was in 1991 when he was invited to a religious ceremony in the northern Amazon in 1991 in Brazil.

"I experienced visions that had spiritual-religious connotations," he says.

Since that time, he has used it hundreds of times, and has published a book about the plant.

"Hypotheses have been around for 20 years connecting the beginning of religions with psychoactive materials," Shanon says. He believes the Israelites used two plants in Sinai and the Negev: one of them is wild rue, a hallucinogen used by the Bedoin to this day. However this plant is not identified with any plant mentioned in the Bible.

The acacia tree also has psychedelic properties, Shanon says, which the Israelites could have used. The acacia is mentioned frequently in the Bible, and was the type of wood of which the Ark of the Covenant was made. According to Shanon, he drank a potion prepared from a species of acacia while he was in South America, which caused similar experiences to those produced by the ayahuasca.

Shanon also sees signs of a hallucinogenic vision in the story of the burning bush. "Moses 'looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed,'" Shanon quotes from Exodus 3:2. Time passes differently when under the influence of the plant, he notes. "That's why Moses thought the bush was not consumed. It should have been burned in the time he thought had passed. And in that time, he heard God speaking to him."

"But not everyone who uses a plant like this brings the Torah," Shanon concedes. "For that, you have to be Moses."
JERUZALEM - Toen de bijbelse figuur Mozes de tien geboden kreeg van God moet hij onder invloed zijn geweest van geestverruimende middelen. Dat beweert een Israëlische onderzoeker in een deze week gepubliceerde studie.
Inertia Stock

Israëlieten gebruikten in bijbelse tijden hallucinogene plantenextracten voor religieuze doeleinden en dat zette professor Benny Shanon van de Hebrew University of Jerusalem naar eigen zeggen op het spoor van zijn ontdekking.

"Bij Mozes op de berg Sinaï ging het niet om een bovennatuurlijk kosmische gebeurtenis of een legende die ik niet geloof, maar vermoedelijk om een gebeurtenis die Mozes en het volk van Israël overkwam terwijl ze onder invloed van narcotica verkeerden", aldus Shanon in een artikel in het Britse wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Time and Mind.

Klassiek fenomeen

"De Bijbel stelt dat mensen geluid zien, en dat is een klassiek fenomeen", stelt de onderzoeker. Hij zegt in zijn studie dat er in het Amazonegebied door toediening van drugs vergelijkbare religieuze belevingen worden opgewekt bij mensen, waarbij ze "muziek zien".

De professor in de cognitieve psychologie zegt zelf sensaties te hebben gevoeld die overeenkomen met de in de Bijbel beschreven gebeurtenissen, terwijl hij onder invloed verkeerde van ayahuasca, een krachtige psychotropische plant in het Amazonegebied.'Mozes_aan_geestverruimende_middelen'.html
hey, you've got to be trippin' to talk with burning bushes 8)
amen :weedman:

Edit: or fight with angels or walking on water and affines
why not?

even Santa exhisted!!what are you talking about?
"The truth is we don't know much about whether Jesus ever existed in this world, but there is a good probability that Moses did. He is depicted throughout multiple religions as a prophet of God. The Holly Bible describes in the Old Testament how Moses, who was leading the exodus out of Egypt, stops at Mount Sinai to talk to God during which time He gave to Moses the Ten Commandments. Again, we have learned over the years at least some of us did to detach ourselves from the supernatural. Thus, an Israeli psychology professor now proposes a theory which suggests that while going up Mount Sinai, Moses would most likely have been high. According to Benny Shanon of Jerusalem's Hebrew University, Moses could have consumed hallucinogenic substances containing a series of psychoactive molecules extracted from plants that were used in the preparation of the powerful Amazonian hallucinogenic drink called ayahuasca. This altered state of awareness would have resulted in visual and audio hallucinations such as the appearance of lightning and blaring of a trumpet as described in the Bible's Book of Exodus. Also, the hallucinogenic reaction, which follows the ingestion of such substances, would make the subject fall into a profound religious and spiritual feeling, accompanied by lightning and divine revelations that could have been interpreted as the appearance of God on Earth. Professor Shanon reveals that he has thought about the effects of ayahuasca drink as he has participated at more than 160 different occasions when the drink was brewed.There is a good chance that, during ancient times, the plant which is used for the preparation of ayahuasca, harmal, could have been found in the regions around Mount Sinai and in multiple locations of the Middle East, and used by the Jewish population as a medicinal plant."

"Moses wasn't a real person though"

There is a small chance that that is true . But its more likely that parts of the pharmacratic inquisition are not true . The theory about the sacrement in question here was an Ayahuasca analog is much more likely than that it was Amanita Muscaria .
Reminds me of lots of theories about Cannabis (kanesh-bosm) being used frequently in the old testament.. not sure if this has been mentioned on this topic before...

I would assume (from ignorance) that the Rastafarians must take as part of their belief system..