It can be very diferent , depending on the type and the quantity of the compownds used.
if more than one MAOI are used, it can be brutaly strong.
Also the Jurema is more visionary than the leafs of the P.V...
the Caapi and the P.Viridis are more "gentle" than the Jurema and the harmala analogues.
50- gr B. Caapi, 40 gr. of P.Viridus for "normal" ++ expirience,
or 3,5 gr of Paganum Harmala and 20 gr. Jurema(MHRB, the dark kind) for
+++ to make it ++++ drink them both,about an hour in between.
Also the type of ceremony/ritual which the Santo Daime and the indian shamans are using is diferent not only in the type, but in quantity and the concentration of the drinks.
If only half a strong dose is alowed, than it's not a big surprize