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Molly & Me

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion nnDiMiTri
  • Date de début Date de début


Saturday night, my friend Kavinski, myself, Kim (my wife), Valerie (my girlfriend), my son (morning star) and Angela (his girlfriend) all tried some beautiful MDMA crystals. I have tried stacks a couple of time with little to no effect and I had promised myself I would not do MDMA again till I could get the pure unadulterated chemical… Kavinski lucked up and found some!

6:00 PM: Kim and I took 100mg each orally while Kavinski and Valerie insulfated theirs, Valerie was slow coming up but Thrift was off and rolling in a flash.

7:00PM: I patiently waited for the come up but after 55 minutes of waiting we redosed and that was apparently all that was needed because I was just starting to feel off baseline when we all bumped another 30mg of crushed crystals, which was not much worse than tooting coke. The four of us dosed around 175mg each for the night while my son and his girlfriend who had been on the road all day did 50mg each.
The four of us piled up on the couch and talked and cuddled for a couple of hours while my son and his girlfriend went to bed.
Kavinski thought I was trancing out after it started kicking in but I was listening to everyone interact; even their breathing was noticeable. The euphoria of life in general was almost overwhelming. We told each other how much we appreciated each other and how much we enjoyed each other’s company.

9:00PM: After about 2 hours, which was twice that long it seemed, we all bumped another 50mg and the intensity kicked another notch. We all moved around a little and got fresh drinks and smoked another joint and another cigarette.

10:00PM: Valerie took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom and locked the door behind us. We left Kim and Kavinski to their own devices and promptly forgot the world on the other side of the door.
The next four and a half hours I will never forget, the tactile enhancement was incredible. The pure joy of touching and being touched was like nothing I have ever experienced.

2:30AM: We unlocked the door and both took a 10mg lortab prepping for the comedown and snuggled up to sleep. After about 10 minutes Valerie started talking… to people who weren’t there. She hallucinated for about 30 minutes and we dozed off.

3:15AM: Kim crawled into the bed next to me and wanted my attention. To my surprise I rose to the occasion. After 30 minutes or so she asked for a drink and on my way out I told her how exquisitely salty Valerie tasted, I left the room with her getting lost in Valerie’s warm saltiness, I came back with a drink and eventually put her into a peaceful slumber.

6:00AM: Valerie woke me up rubbing my chest and kissing my ear telling me she wasn’t finished yet, so being the man I am, I did my duty… again.

7:30AM: I woke up again and got myself a fresh drink and ran the nights experiences through my head. I was kind of surprised that I felt no ill effects from either the MDMA comedown or the better part of six hours of “stunt fucking
Are Kim and Valerie your two fellow travellers?
Kinky storyline.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Are Kim and Valerie your two fellow travellers?
Kinky storyline.

Damn, pardon my oversight Caduceus, this is a report from the week after Xmas '07 and I neglected noting that, my apologies.
Kim was my partner for 16 years before she went permanently interdiminsonal 1/17/08, RIP beloved one, I sent Valerie's sweet young ass away earlier this year but that is a whole other story or three we'll save for later. For four awesome years they were much more than than just traveling companions and it was indeed a delightfully kinky story line. :twisted:
The traveling companions you mentioned, from another thread, are an Argentine couple who are "fellow travelers" in spirit only, an Alex Grey avatar was actually the icebreaker here and there is no kink in this storyline.

I figured it might have been an older report. Thanks for clearing that up. :D
Sorry to hear about Kim, and Valerie. How's Morning Star doing?
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
I figured it might have been an older report. Thanks for clearing that up. :D
Sorry to hear about Kim, and Valerie. How's Morning Star doing?

Thanks for the condolences Caduceus but I truly love life and have accepted our mortality. You really do have to live in the "here & now" or time will slip away and you'll wonder what the hell happened.
Regarding Valerie... life is too short to deal with idiocy full time no mater how seductively it is wrapped...er... unwraps. ;^P
Morning Star is alive and well and planning a long visit to Perú after the New Year.
Anything else? :^D

*edit* the last line is an edit itself, the original, to everyone; where are you in your personal time line?