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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion bguy
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A friend recently procured a bottle of liquid methadone. It's 60mg of of methadone in a 100ml solution. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this and whether anyone knows what kind of dose would be acceptable for an adult male 180lbs with no opiate tolerance.
Man, ya'know. I'm quite tolerant about people's choices for whatever reason. While I do believe that using heroin very sporadic does serve it's purpose, methadone it's just not low, it's repulsive.

If you must use opiates, then do H, but for god's sake leave methadone alone. Even the worst addict with a spike in his arm shits on methadone. It abandons feelings a 100%.
According to my friend it was a pretty underwhelming experience. He took 40 ml of the solution and was relaxed but had killer insomnia and felt like crap the next day. He said that there was no recreational value in the stuff whatsoever and so he flushed what remained.

Thanks for the advice.
Good luck!
Should be pretty obvious that any drug prescribed to recovering heroin addicts is not going to fun for recreational use.
I used to get liter bottles of the shit and it is shit . I dont care what anyone else says it doesnt get you high......thats why doctors prescribe it for junkys .

Heroin isnt as nice as morphine or diconal and if a person hasnt had it from a chemists he hasnt had it . What is sold in europe as heroin is usualy a mixed alkaloid extraction at best or it has been cut to fuck with anything from asperin to codein . Heroin isnt brown its pure white . I used to get lovely dry and liquid ampules direct out of chemists .

Now when i realy need to relax i throw some tramadol ( YUK !!!! ) in a bath full of 40 - 42°c water and lie in it for a few hours .

I hope its just a phase for anyone whop takes iheroin / opiates and that eventualy they learn to get high on canabis and / or traditional psychedelics .
not really a good choice of central nervous system depressors.

you have decided not to take it, right?

hey GOD, welcome back!
It only provides a "high" for those with opiate dependence. It isn't really a high, it just seems that way to us since we feel better in the morning after our dose and we associate that with a high for some reason. Remember those with opiate dependence feel like crap when our bodies get low on opiates so it is a boost above feeling like crap which we associate with a high.

The only high that I get is if I mix it with benzos and get a bit of a nob but that is VERY dangerous. It is what kills most people in methadone deaths. I have a huge tolerance to both and am prescribed both but it's still stupid that I mix them.

I must say that my experiences with methadone differ from what some of you are saying.

I was introduced to methadone by a person living with me at the time who took much too many prescriptions and was in general a not so good person. I needed some sort of pain relief. He produced two 10mg methadone pills, I swallowed both of them and felt absolutely nothing except maybe a slight bit of restlessness.

A few months later I was making a trip and suffering from a work related accident. I called a friend to find out if he could help me make the trip in comfort, and he told me all he could provide was methadone, but at a very cheap price (I believe he gave me 15 10mg pills for 50 american) I decided that maybe all I needed to do was up the dose from 20mg to 30 or 40 and I could give or throw the other pills away. After imbibing 3 pills and feeling nothing I took a 4th and began to experience a decidedly euphoric opiate sensation building in myself. It never seemed to get stronger after an hour or so, so I said what the hell and ate two more pills. By the end of the car ride I had eaten 10pills and only barely managed to arrive at my destination unscathed. I wandered inside and proceeded to spend the rest of the night hallucinating in a warm bubble of opiate bliss. The next day I felt like I had taken a good dose of morphine and I also experienced a good deal of vomiting. Towards the end of the day I began to feel worse, but a buddy came over and suprised me with a bit of cocaine. I snorted maybe 5-6 gram sized lines over the course an early night, and felt fantastic all the way through even the come down. I was returned completely to baseline.

Neway, just wanted to say that yes indeed methadone can get you extremely high. I had no real tolerance to opiates when I took this stuff because I never take them unless I am in great actual pain.
It's 60mg of methadone in a 100ml solution

I guess it's too late, but for over people that might come around : if you have no opiate tolerance, 30mg should really be enough, and 60mg may be way too strong. Be careful, methadone is a kind of "pure heroin", so you have to take a light dose.