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meth amfetamine info

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Matrice Périnatale
I want to buy meth in Belgium, is there anywhone who can get me some info?

First of all Welcome to the forum.

Personaly i dont know any meth source.
and I dont think you in the right place here for Meth.
i only know that amfetamine is easy to get in europe, luckly meth not.

There alot more interesting drugs out there then meth.

My info on this is: Don't do it..

Edit: if you really want to, you can always make meth yourself, there are alot of manuals on the web for making meth yourself.

thanks for your answer.

If you now that amfetamine is easy to get, can you tell me how ore where?

I would be very greatfull!
The internet isn't the proper place to ask those questions. Better do that in real life, like on party's as example.
Meth is quite hard to get in Europe. And if you're in able to obtain, the effect will be most likely a strong amphetamine high.

The Meth you're probably talking about, 'Ice', only in the States. Just keep these question off the board, please, ask on BlueLight in the other drugs forum.