My thoughts to the first two films :-
Hes just doing a base / acid extraction , but hes a very dangerous guy...............we dont add strong bases to water in a closed glass because it makes heat and gas , and after a few times the glass will become brittle and break . We do it in an open stainless steel pot in the sink or bath adding a little base to the water at a time , and we make sure that there is a window open and a draught because we dont want breath the fumes in and gas our selves . With petrol like solvents we dont use any plastic . With the acid part he doesnt say how much acid to add to how much water , he hasnt got gloves on , he doesnt close the acid bottle and his working space is to clutered up . We should be doing this in the bath , with lots of elbow space , and making sure we dont breath in the HCL fumes . Evaperating HCL off makes HCL steam that we dont want anywhere near us , or our lungs and we dont want it condensing on anything nearby . But i liked the music .
The procedure that Meduz sugests is better......use vinegar and litmus paper to get it to PH4 . The bit about straining it is an understatement . this shit is the consistency of snot . When i`ve got time i will explain another way to do it .
I`d be interested to hear what other people have to say about extracting mescalin . Has anyone got any practical experience ?