Hey guys, thanks for all the precious answers
I started from when I opened this topic to practice, with many difficoult to be onest!
I found usefull the thing of counting 'til ten and again with my breath, also I've read about it a Osho book time ago.
The pot tip... well, I don't smoke, but the shroom part is interesting
I've tried many times every day, but... well, every time I think "am I doing right? Should I change position, or is it ok?". I definetly would like a guide, just to start.
Today I went to a little bosque near here, and tried again. Was a very sunny day, with no one around. First I sit, but the thoughts continued to come and after a while i felt really tired of stop them (I know I shouldn't, and should let them go, but it's a hard perception for me!)
Then, I lay. I like to meditate in a lay position, but there's a usual problem: at the beginning I feel good, and things seems easier, but after a while i just fall asleep.
I guess it shouldn't happen!
But... I hope those problems are normal (except that I can't keep an half lotus for a leg problem, right now), and I'll continue trieng. The little I've done since now (especially walking, when I walk I really feel I can clear my mind) was effective and seem very usefull, especially for a high-dose-psychedelic situation.
To let just go, don't panic, and let be.
UniversalConsciousness, thanks for the translation of Brugmansia, I really don't understand dutch