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Meditation: Tips.

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
I have been trying to meditate for about a month now, and I realised I've never actually done it. I just kind of sleep-think before bed for about half an hour.

Here is how I have been doing it, and some results:

I usually close my eyes, and cross my legs, sitting up or laying down, I bend as much of my body as possible, so no appendages are straight (for some reason this seems necessary). After I close my eyes, instantly I make a horizon. The next idea varies, but here are some examples: I draw a desert, a sea, or last night I had very good visualizations, almost reality - inducing visualizations of a kind of cubic snake, moving and running to infinity. These are usually to just set me into dream land.
Meditation when I want to think about things, or relax and absorb, usually start with the horizon, and I focus on a sun coming up, and then I branch off my ideas - I have created a system to beat the living shit out of my anxiety and its quite funny, I enjoy it alot. It only works with moderate to light amounts though, but I have really learned that I have to trust myself more with my emotions. I have to be incharge of who I am, not my anxiety.. This was a very important insight that I have been over looking for too long.

But what I really want to know is am I doing real meditation?? I seem to not be getting what most others get - I don't get that sense of ... I don't know.

How do you do it? :?:
I always liked this quote:

Meditation is not what you think.
I've been strongly considering taking Meditation classes at one of the local Buddist centers around my city. I'm not Buddist, but they seem to be the most inviting to do such things at free or low cost. Certainly a step in the right direction.
The only method that easily worked for me and had noticable benefits was progressive relaxation. Basically you tense different muscle groups going from your feet to your head and this seems to be a structure that novices at this sorta thing (me) can experience quite a meditative trance by the time you release the tension from your neck.
learn to focus the mind. Then: learn to loose focus.

That´s where I´m at right now. It is interesting to gain perspective by questioning yourself.
interesting but the more I dive the more I fear. Losing yourself seems just SO near to madness...
Then question the fear?
Fear oh fear oh art thou real?
Be thy claws that I dost feel?
When uncharted land man enters
Is that you the gift he renders?
Fear oh fear I question thou
Hear my voicèless vow
No more shalt thou be my queen
I am not what I have been.

I am as good as shakespear :P

So meditation isn't the thoughts, persay, its ... above them. You're trying to access the structure above thoughts.

I really think meditation may be a very good thing for me to learn. I want to be able to 'let-go'. Even if I am sober.
no structure.
maybe. Just witness what is happening, nothing more, nothing less.
Ok dokie. Callin mah doctor so I can get pills that I can sell so I can pay my rent, and buy other pills that I cant get prescribed. Then I'm gonna meditate and see if I CAN fuck i shit my pants.
I've never taken a meditation class, it's something I would definitely like to try at some point. I do know that I can go to a certain place through relaxation and through repetition that is most definitely an altered state of awareness and sensory/time perception. I kind of found it on my own, probably because I was always interested in threshold wakeness, and because I've always been interested in minimalist music as it seems to allow me to go to certain places, in a manner of speaking.

I'd really just be interested in the mental exercise, not so much in the religious components..
Reminds me.


I first heard about this game from someone who tried it recently.. you wear some kind of biofeedback device and it measures how relaxed you are. The more you relax the higher the feather floats or the spoon bends or something like that. The idea is each level challenges you to meditate in some way.

I asked someone who tried it what happens if you have a j first and was told that having tried it, you will pretty much ace the game with highest score!
its only religious if you make it

and yes cannabis is recommended but dont knock your dick in the dirt
just take what you need
Been practicing the Art of Living meditations for the last 3 months. They were pretty good. Soon I'm gonna try them stoned. Next Sunday gonna try out the meditations at the Osho resort located in my city :D
imho, breathing is the most important aspect of meditation. establishing proper rhythm and focusing on the constant inhale/exhale is what really puts me in a meditative state of being.