Medical Marijuana in California

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Mr.Vince Mehdizadeh is now ofering medical Marijuana to patients with a prescription in 1/8 of an ounce , = 3.5 grams , bags from machines in California . Similar to the way that people can buy chocolate or tobaco . Patients can put an identity / prescription card in the machines and get their medicine when they need it so that they dont have to buy on the black market anymore . Medical marijuana is illegal under federal law in America but legal under state laws in 12 states . The DEA ( Drugs Enforcement Agency ) has said that as soon as it finds out where the machines are it will close them and take legal action .
GOD a dit:
The DEA ( Drugs Enforcement Agency ) has said that as soon as it finds out where the machines are it will close them and take legal action .

If they haven't been vandalised and looted by the time the DEA gets there :lol:
HA!HA!HA! Yo , bingo . I saw the report on the BBC world service , you can read more here :- ... 212778.stm .
The machine that they showed in the report was indoors , maybe they all are . If so i can also imagine that the guy who delivers the grass and fills the machines up would be living dangerously . Or he will get followed to his suplyers and they will get a "visit" . I cant imagine the DEA letting it go on for long . I think that the interesting thing will be to see how the state governments and courts react to any DEA action .
This isn't going to work
If i had such a prescription, my friends would be very happy i could provide them with easy weed :lol:
Fellas, if I had the start-up cash, I'd have moved to California years ago, set up shop with about a thousand AK-47 clones, and retired a year ago, a comfortable man.

SOMEBODY is supplying these med patients, and it's the black market, for the most part.
Cali allows up to 99 plants ,in some places, in others its a lot less.

The irony here (RANT ALERT!!!) is that them fucking Republicans are supposed to be true constitutional conservatives. They have done such a good job at twisting words and spinning disinformation that
NO ONE in this whole damn country seems to realize that the MAIN PRINCIPLE of TRUE, constitutional conservatives is that states rights ALWAYS trump the federal governments wishes and demands....

Everyone is brain dead as hell over here.

Cattle get a piston in the head.
I love Italy,
unless you are a small fish dealer no one knocks on your door (i mean personal use is not punished as long as they don't find dead plant material in your house over 3 grams....this means you can grow plants :D)
LA marijuana vending machines violate international treaties,U.N.-affiliated board says

Published on 8 February 2008 at 16:00:11

On the Net:

VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Marijuana vending machines in Los Angeles violate international treaties and should be shut down, the U.N.-affiliated drug control board said Friday.

"The International Narcotics Control Board is deeply concerned about reports that computerized vending machines to dispense cannabis (marijuana) have been put into operation in Los Angeles," Philip O. Emafo, president of the board, said in a statement.

"We know that the use of cannabis is illegal under federal law of the United States and we trust the authorities will stop such activities, which contravene the international drug control treaties," he added. At least three Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensaries have installed vending machines to distribute the drug to people who carry cards authorizing marijuana use. The substance is said to alleviate chronic pain, loss of appetite and other ailments.

Marijuana use is illegal under U.S. federal law, which does not recognize the medical marijuana laws in California and 11 other states. In the statement, the Vienna-based board also said scientific research about the therapeutic usefulness of cannabis or cannabis extracts was still in progress and had not produced much evidence.

"So far, the results of research regarding the potential therapeutic usefulness have been limited," the board said.

The Drug Enforcement Agency and other U.S. Federal agencies have been actively shutting down major medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state over the last two years and charging their operators with felony distribution charges.

The International Narcotics Control Board is an independent monitoring body for the implementation of the United Nations international drug control conventions. It was established in 1968.
"So far, the results of research regarding the potential therapeutic usefulness have been limited," the board said.
that is because they have hams instead of eyes
by the gods, the more i read about this damn country the more i just wanna get the hell out of it. such hypocracy such bullshit.... it disgusts me....
do you want to come to Italy? we pretty much mind our own businness :)
i know a friend of mine grew three marijuana plants in her house and even tho her parents are super catholics they let her do it...and they knew that was MJ....
(it's illegal to grow MJ in Italy, unless you own a special license issued by the government)
It's illegal here even after you've gotten your permit :p
well i'm sorry about that :?
here you can get the permit if you can fool a doctor that you have severe astma
or unless you have terminal cancer and/or Multiple Sclerosis...i'd go for the astma ;)
but once you get your paper no one can touch you. that because we don't have a federal law :weedman:

oh you can get the permit if you own a clothing factory and show that the hemp you produce goes in making clothes, but then you have to buy a field to grow the Cannabis in and a lot of other bureaucratic things that are not worth the trouble...
(what's fucked up is that the Padana plain, the biggest in Itlay, was cultivated with cannabis, then suddenly it was too troublesome to keep the hemp industry going and they planted corn instead!! and now we have all kinds of pests related to that plant such as skunk insects which are HORRIBLE little critters!!)