Medical Marijuana in California: Recent Events

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion wjames
  • Date de début Date de début


California seems almost in a state of civil war over medical marijuana.

Last week an appeals court upheld the state's right to issue ID cards letting patients use medical marijuana for selected maladies: ... 1237M8.DTL

The lawsuit, interestingly, was initiated by two California counties-- San Diego County and San Bernardino County!

So we have the strange situation where the county governments are siding with the federal government against the state government. (Note that the state government is defending the 1996 state referendum, in which a majority of Californians voted to allow medical marijuana. The counties are trying to overturn the medical marijuana law without any basis on citizen votes.)

At the same time -- and whether this is just coincidence is anyone's guess -- federal DEA agents have launched a series of high-profile raids against licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in Southern California: ... m6pot.html

This one portrays DEA agents as especially abusive: ... 217566197/

i can't even put into words how sick of this shit i am...
All for a plant that has amazing therapeutic benefits. Fucks off DEA and everyone else trying to control it, honestly, there are sick people needing this medicine.

My mate AJ just came back from a visit to the states . While he was there he went to california and got a doctor to say he had back ache and got prescribed marijuana .
and is that prescription legit to use in whatever country he resides in?
I`m sure not . He has a sort of registration / patient identity card and i think its only valid in california . Here its possible for doctors to prescribe marinol but most wont do iteither out of ignorance or because its very expensive and they have to work to a quarterly budget . The medical insurance companys refuse to pay for it as well so very many patients that get prescribed it have to go to court to get it . I asked my urologe to prescribe me some and ofered him proof that it was good for my problemesand he virtualy acused me of trying to get him to give me "Drugs" . Its like the dark ages here sometimes .