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Medical cannabis buds in Germany

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 944
In Germany it is now possible to get cannabis buds from the Dutch health service from chemists since the middle of february . 7 patients get it up till now . The problems that are allowed to be treated in Germany with cannabis buds are chronic pain , multiple sklerosis , tourette-Syndrom or cancer .

All one has to do is get permission from the Bundesopiumstelle in Bonn ( = something like the federal opium office !!!!!! ) find a doctor that will prescribe them , then an insurance company that will pay for them and then a chemists that will suply them .
Is that for real?

You have any link or scource so we can read more details?
I cant read German language.

But good to know that it's a fact.

Great news! :D