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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 008
Any information about it, major effects, any negative effects on the body, possiblity of addiction, positive long-term effects. I'm not sure, but I think I have an anixiety disorder, not really sure. Anyways, could this help in treating that? thanks in advance, I know this is no brainer stuff, but I always thought of XTC as a very bad drug.

in relation to treating an anxiety order, i dont know.. i have sometimes found that i get rather increased anxiety while on it. its like a burst of rushed panic, but it never lasts long, usually because the person ive taken it with reminds me that everythings fine. thats possibly just me though.

the major negative effect on the body i can think of right now is how you grind your teeth on it.. some people bite their lips and stuff and cause blisters, but its not that big a deal really. oh and increased heart rate can feel like pressure on your chest, which can feel uncomfortable if youre not expecting it, but again usually thats not a problem cause youre too wrapped up in the good effects!

major effects: overwhelming love! but its good to keep in mind that this love is manufactured.. i always think of esctasy as very plastic and pretend, although it doesnt have to be, depending on who you take it with and where etc. i think that if you take it on a sunny day in a beautiful natural setting with a close friend it is the ideal situation!
also you feel physical sensations. i always get a shiver of happiness, like feeling the happiness rushing through me.. to anyone watching it would look like i was shivering from being super cold, goosebumps and all!

another thing, you will have hyper-sensitive feelings - both good and bad. if someone says they love you (and they probably will), you will feel the joy of that ten fold. on the flipside, if something negative is said (by anyone, not neccessarily the person you take it with) you might feel extremely down about it, for a while at least. thats why i think its best to take this drug in a loving and beautiful environment rather than just some club or other crowded place.
hope this has helped a bit?
Major negatives can become a problem if you use it often. It’s not the MDMA that you get a direct psychoactive effect from; rather it is the induced prolific serotonin (and a small degree of dopamine) release and reuptake that give you the effects; so once you’ve depleted your natural supply of these neurotransmitters, you wont be able to achieve any where near the same effects, if any at all. Also, serotonin breakdown by the MAO in your body does produce some bad by products, but nowhere near as bad as dopamine breakdown which produces hydrogen peroxide. So use it very sparingly, responsibly and only on very special occasions.

I do think it may have a small degree of therapeutic effect for anxiety, but very little if it’s a pronounced natural phenomenon in your psyche. Using it more frequently in conjunction with this kind of mental distress will make it worse over time. The comedown and day after negative effect is dependant on how much you took, if it was cut with any other substance, your diet and metabolism, set and setting etc... But all in all, used reasonably and in the best set and setting, MDMA is an awesome substance, with very little danger if used correctly and in moderation.

Also, that plastic love is kind of a placebo effect, because the serotonin release is a natural phenomenon, which is just sped up, increased in quantity and recycled more readily when you’re rolling. You can have a very deep experience on it and bond exponentially with people, and if you’re careful and not overindulgent, you have total clarity, equity and love.

Of course, if you need more information:

Thanks both of you, I would never intent on using it once and year at the most. I just wanted to use it to try and help treat my anixiety. I think that really this is all one big head game and if I stopped smoking marijuana on a regular basis it would help. Also is there more potential in treating anxiety with mushrooms than MDMA?

Thanks , PEACE
MDMA is used to break mental blockades and help people to deal with post traumatic stress disorders . So it might help you with anxiety . Psilocybin can be used for the same things . Weather it would help you or not depends on you and how you use it . I would personaly try the MDMA first if i were you , but make sure you take a decent dose and then when you are up think about the what and why of your anxiety . Stoping smoking grass so often would also probably help . Going out in the world and mixing with people when you are not high would also probably help . Just dont take your anxiety to seriously , its a natural phase , everyone has it some time , and it will go away .