MDMA research in Canada, finally

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Alpiniste Kundalini
Two Vancouver therapists have become the first Canadians to be permitted to give ecstasy to patients in a scientific trial aimed at finding new ways to help people with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Psychologist Andrew Feldmar and psychiatrist Ingrid Pacey, with the help of the Boston-based organization Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, also known as MAPS, are recruiting 12 people to take part in the trial, which they hope might include Canadian soldiers and police officers.

Mr. Feldmar said that like Vancouver's supervised-injection site, the trial has obtained an exemption from Canada's narcotics laws, and is waiting for an import permit for the Swiss-manufactured drug.

The Vancouver experiment is part of small but growing international movement to use drugs such as LSD, MDMA or ecstasy, and psylocibin as part of therapeutic treatment, which has received significant backing from MAPS. The organization, founded in 1986, is a non-profit focused on lobbying to have psychedelic drugs and marijuana used for treatment.

Full article:[/url]
Very cool.
This is so wrong. I mean come on, mental patients on ecstasy?! That will just bring their problems to the surface! What they need is some Zoloft or Prozac to calm them down and bottle those nasty symptoms up. When will you junkie hippies learn.

F*ckin awesome!!!! Finally the world is slowly understanding the positive value of drugs, and that it isnt only a bad thing. Id say legalize all drugs but give everyone good education. People should be making their own decision on what to do and what no to. Example: wasn't it cool back in the days if you smoked a ciggy on highschool? Well, these days children are starting to say no to it. Smart decision. Smoking is stupid and not cool. Btw a lot of people smoke and are totally against drugs. Not realizing theyre using it everyday, and drug users (not abusers) use it every now and then, frequently but also wisely.

Love & Peace

I mean some of those who smoke sigarettes say ooooh, you use drugs and then they stigmatize you. But they, who need nicotine everyday, say they dont use drugs but they DO!! And imo the most useles drugs in the world. It's not even fun? SMoke a joint, take a pill or eat some shrooms. Now were startin to have some real fun. But some smokers say nahhh, i dont need that. Plus i dont want to bother other people. Well, in fact, you DO cause you stink. Im not against smoking okey, but only the people who say such stupid things and stigmatize me. Well, perhaps i should have shut the f*ck up. Now they probably talk and gossip about me, everytime they dont like me at school. F8ck em. Let them get real. Get down to earth for gods sake. Eat some shrooms. The whole world should be eating shrooms btw. Open your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AWESOME! It's about time Canada started to open it's eyes, and catch up with the rest of the world. With the possibility of another election soon, maybe this country can really start to turn itself around.
wtf are you talking about none of what u said had anything to do with the topic...
this isnt a thread about cigarettes
Arcticpheonix a dit:
AWESOME! It's about time Canada started to open it's eyes, and catch up with the rest of the world. With the possibility of another election soon, maybe this country can really start to turn itself around.

Lol, I assume when you say "rest of the world" you are exluding America. :p