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MDMA Loss of Magic

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mercilly
  • Date de début Date de début


The last time I used MDMA, I experienced the dreaded loss of magic. While I still enjoyed the experience, it was surely lacking. Before this happened, I was taking MDMA about every three weeks or so for about nine weeks. (So three doses in total.) This was much more than I was used to doing. Before that, I would at least wait six weeks. (Although I had another stint where I took 200 milligrams of MDMA, and then three weeks later tried a "legal high" in Scotland called Doves. I was unaware that it contained the MDMA analouge BK-MBMD. Oops.) Other than that mishap though, it was at least six weeks to three months that I waited to use it. I have, in total times, used MDMA or an analouge eight times.

Since I had the experience with the loss of magic, I have ceased use entirely. It has been 3 and a half months now, and I'm planning on using it soon. I was just wondering if there are any reports of people out there who lost the magic, waited awhile, and then did it again? Did the magic come back? Or was it the same as the last time you did it?

I also plan on taking Shulgin's advice after this, and only to take it 4 times a year at most.
well i took the time to wright a really long reply to this, wich i rarely do. but i figured i had a good bit of knowledge on this subject. and when i got back from the store, my computer decided to restard due to updates.... wtf.

well heres what i said in a nutshell.
dont forget that extacy like all psychedelics is influenced by your surroundings, ive experienced this loss of magic, and waited a while, and nothing had changed.

till i went to the coolest rave/house party ive ever been to. I took mabey 3/4 of what i usually took, and it was.... well magical :D.

remember to place yourself around good people and have something fun to do, and your magic will return. atleast myne did.
i think it is more of a psychological thing rather than physical with mdma. im sure there ARE physical aspects to the loss of magic, but your trip is what you make of it, isnt it?

hope i helped a bit.
I thought that might be part of it. I actually had a really shitty time in general when I took the MDMA. (Lots of throwing up on the dance floor, couldn't keep water down, silly mistakes with boys, etc.) Part of me wonders if it wasn't that the drug had lost it's effects, or rather that it was just the situation I was in.
^ agree with above that perhaps it's set and setting because you're not really doing it often enough to really experience that much tolerance or experience down-regulation, etc, but then everyone is different. i recall many years ago, the first 20 or so times you do it - it's entirely different than the 20+ times. the first 20 or so times you do it, it's magical beyond all imagination at least for me. after that it is still immensely special and there is still magic, but not compared to the first quite a few times. you can continue to do it until you lose the magic entirely, and break for awhile and it will come back. your brain is resilient
After abusing ecstasy for a while, I not only lost the magic, but also most of the effects. At the end I remember taking like 5 pills in 2 hours and not feeling much except being awake and extreme restless leg syndrome.
At the end I managed to stop for a month, and then took one pill that was supposed to be good. It made me feel like shit, and had a 2 weeks hangover. After this experience, I didn't take E for about 5 months and then decided to take some. I did feel good but it didn't last long and there was no magic. The hangover wasn't too bad.
Then it is now over a year since that last experience, and I have 6 pills that are supposed to be of very high quality. I am looking forward to trying them this summer :D
mm background info on my experience with this,
Time0-use to abuse "mdma" pills in highschool anywhere from 1-20 a week for 6months they contained varying substances bt generally (at least 60% of the time) had mdma in them, lost the magic for about 1.5 years,
T-2yearslater- tried capsules of molly 2 full years later and the magic came back,
T-2.75 years later, secured a good supply of pure mdma and lost the magic again after approx 5 or 6 sessions with 1-3 caps each time within a period of 2-3 months.
HAvent tried it since then, waiting for warmer weather cause shivering away when youre rolling is no fun in the winter.
my position of this issue is now, it takes your brain chemistry 1-2 months to recover to its state wherby you can have a "magical experience again" this may be due to my history with this beautiful princess of a drug but its how my body works.
Thanks for all the replies! I really hope the magic does come back, and it's good to hear that people have brought it back after taking a break for awhile. When I do use it again, I will let you know how it went. =)
mercilly a dit:
Thanks for all the replies! I really hope the magic does come back, and it's good to hear that people have brought it back after taking a break for awhile. When I do use it again, I will let you know how it went. =)

dispite a few negitive posts on the forum, this place really is usefull, i hope you stay and become one of the family here. welcome. :mrgreen:
Interestingly, I've never actually had any "magic" while using MDMA, up to doses of 250 mg of pure powder. I know it was the genuine article, because I gave it to somebody else and they loved it. Also, it certainly worked well with nitrous, producing a very nice effect, much as I'd expect from mushrooms, or acid.

My failure to experience an effect may be because I am mostly a solo tripper, whereas these might need interpersonal interaction to get things going. I'd be interested to know what others think.

I haven't tried it in over two years, I've obtained some pills, which I am told are quite good by those who have tried them and intend to see how they go.
extacy is not NEARLY as good when not in a socal environment.

im a solo tripper too, but when it comes to mdma its strictly a socal drug for me. ive done it one time with no one around at night at my house, but i stayed up all night blowing up all my friends phones trying to get them to talk to me. lol.

try it with some friends. the experience will be exponentially better.