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MDMA and the ego

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Bastiaan
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It seems to me that while under the effects of MDMA your ego stays the same size.
Or maybe I just have a very big ego I dunno :S
Anyway, is this true and if yes is there a (safe) way of diminishing the ego a little?
If this means combining with another psychelic this isnt really much of a problem as long as it does'nt interfere too much with the M experience.
I think that way the experience might be that much more interesting.
I could just be wrong of course..
I don't think any drug will change the size of your ego. Some drugs help you identify more with the ego (and MDMA can certainly have this effect). Other drugs help you identify more with the non-ego (and MDMA can certainly have this effect).
It can be temporarly supressed till almost zero IMO. As we discussed in God's topic, it probably can't die.

But I have experienced no gravity with mescaline + shrooms, the incapability to contract muscles or perform strength like holding a glass for too long, and a total disbelieve about what we call life development.

Also, my ambitions in life have decreased dramatically and I'm not affected with excitement when I get a chance to obtain money, clothes or higher occupation etc. And neither have a problem with it if others does.

It's just satisfaction is easily realised since I'm fully aware of what adapting is.
In my opinion you can get more humble under the influence of MDMA but it doesn't show my bad habits as with true psychedelics. The problem with MDMA is you feel good for the moment but after you are empty. So because you don't get that reward it becomes a much less interesting drug.
When I do MDMA, I feel like flowing over into the environment I'm in. When I'm dancing I feel aware of how information goes from the music to the brain and to the muscles, which donate information to the environment not only in form of air curents but also electromagnetic pulses and light beams. Everything is connected and my thoughts are everywhere.

It's how I feel it....

When using weed on MDMA I tend to get more inside my own head, if you know what I mean by that...
dissociatives ever change the "size" of your ego, while you're on Ketamine or DXM, it produce a kind of egocentrism due to the illusion to be omniscient... I noticed it several times. But it's really hard to describe :S
I think MDMA dissociates yourself from your ego. It is still 100% there, but decides to be the copilot instead of the pilot :P
sval a dit:
dissociatives ever change the "size" of your ego, while you're on Ketamine or DXM, it produce a kind of egocentrism due to the illusion to be omniscient... I noticed it several times. But it's really hard to describe :S

It's like the realm of dissociatives is made for you, like you've been picked over others to be there.
I don't think my ego gets any bigger on mdma, but mdma lowers all my doubts and fears to zero. So I start to see everybody as part of a loving family and I approach people with open-hearted enthusiasm. So you could say my self-confidence is at maximum on mdma, but not my "ego" in a bad way.
I think MDMA dissociates yourself from your ego. It is still 100% there

This is what I noticed afterwards analyzing my thoughts and behaviour
Though there are insights that are ridiculous
That's why I started wondering, if somehow the ego could be somewhat reduced instead of just being co-pilot, maybe these insights would be so much more tremendous
But I'm now thinking it's probably so that a psychedelic is the way it is and you can't change the effects.
If you want a specific change in effect you're just out of luck.
Perhaps some day though there will be a psychedelic with the effects of MDMA combined with a lessened ego in the way I was hoping for it to be possible.
Or perhaps there already is?